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Not Jordanelle this time.....WILLARD
We the three of us went for the wipers but only got three wipers and two cats the biggest Wiper was 27 1/2" long the others was about 18" and the two cats was 15" alot slower then we had hoped.....

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=27245;]

Man, that is a big wiper![Wink]
Thanks it was the first of the day....

Great fish! [cool]
Nice Wiper!!
So what did ya take him on BR? And what part of the lake will I have to kick to ? Come on bud give it up, ya know ya want to.

Only to kitties? You call yerselves fiaherman? Only 2 I just can't believe it, only 2? Just have a lil fun at your expense BR LOL But that is one nice wiper ya got there! I am jealous!
It was a top water lure called a (Dumluk) lure its the best all round lure there is.....

And we was about 500 yards north of the pole on the dike at the rocks.....

I'll bet that big wiper gave you all you wanted. Nice job BR.
It was a very good fight on 6lb line.....

[cool]Damn nice wiper there, Cliff. I need to get out there soon. Just need some gas money to help out a friend with a boat...Should have that done soon...
[font "MyriadPro-BlackCond"][size 3]Wiper[/size][/font][font "MyriadPro-BoldCond"][size 2]
Angling record: 2
[/size][/font][font "MyriadPro-Cond"][size 2]006; Wt.7 lb.11 oz.; L.25 1/2 in.Girth –17 3/4 in.;; Jon Volt-Willard Bay.[/size][/font][font "MyriadPro-BoldCond"][size 2]
Catch-and-release Record:
[/size][/font][font "MyriadPro-Cond"][size 2]7/08/2005; 25 in. Dale P. Tracy; Willard Bay.[/size][/font]
[font "MyriadPro-Cond"][size 2][/size][/font]
[font "MyriadPro-Cond"][size 2]You should post up pictures of your "trophy" catches laid down with a tape measure next to them. It would make you seem a lot more credible. 27 1/2" huh? Seems like you would've turned it in for the new c&r record.[/size][/font]
Hey D-mack that record was brocken earlier this year,If I remember right it was 28 14" 9lbs 12oz.That wiper cliff is holding up is at least what he says it is,I have caught a few and thats the biggest I have seen.
the new record was also caught on a top water lure.but cliff gave a description of his magic lure,what a guy.
Maybe you should of had some Maniac Minnows, so you could catch more fish? LOL!!
Nice fish Cliff!
You got the weight right Tony but the length was 26 & 1/8 with a 19 & 1/4 inch girth.[url ""] Here is a link.[/url] If Cliff had released that fish after taking the measurement and the photo it could have been the new catch and release record. Even thought it is very nice wiper, it sure doesn't have a 19 plus girth. It might have been a new state record if it was as fat as that new state record was because according to cliff it was over an inch longer.
He cleaned that fish out ... Great wiper steaks! Nice fish Cliff!
D-mack no camera on board when I caught the fish, it (the camera) was in the truck ....

I was up there to get some fish to eat and I didn't know about the C&R until I got home and the wife told me....

And as a blind man can see I was on the road next to the cleaning station where all three wipers and one cat got the knife....

That was my third or fourth time to fish for wipers my other time at a BFT wiper fish off I think Roads and I took 4th I think not sure ....

Now do you always show a tape with your pictures of fish....I would like to see some ....(of yours)

cliff you and road took 3rd
Wiperhunter you are right it was about as thin as some of the strippers at Powell if I would have shown the back it would have been hard to see it at all[Wink] ...

But it cooked up good any way....

Thanks Petty I was not sure and I didn't have my tape on it[sly][Wink].....

Dog Lover I'm glade you liked them....


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