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I know this was posted back in June but here are some more pictures of the Monster. The fish appears to have the same glandular problem as some of the Gorge Macks. Big Belly's!!!!
[size 2]
The Lunker has landed: 43.6 lb World record Rainbow Trout at Lake Diefenbaker
The Lunker has landed: This is the new World Record Rainbow Trout caught by twin brothers from Saskatoon at Diefenbaker Lake in Canada. The Rainbow weighed 43.6 lbs which is a World record Rainbow Trout.
It was caught on June 5th and weighed on June 6th at Prairie Meats on a certified scale. Beating the previouse all tackle record of 42.5 lbs caught in 1970 in Alaska.
These guys have been catching lots of BIG fish down there and previously caught the provincial and Canadian records.
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Censorship in action!!
What's up with that?
Is it wrong to wish that those guys would have released that fish in order for the rest of us to have a shot at catching a 50lb rainbow? Those fish are much more valuable alive than dead!
Mods -- I don't care if you guys have your own little censorship thing going on or not. That's fine. But, wouldn't it be nice to at least send the user a little message (pm?) that said: "Hey! tone things down! We're not allowing you to say what you said."?
Anyone have any idea how old that rainbow might have been? Tis' a shame...
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[font "Times New Roman"][#808000][size 3] Agreed it is a shame. But maybe they were trying to keep the ecosystem in check by taking one of the big rocks out of the bucket, and let the little ones grow.[/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#808000][size 3] [/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#808000][size 3] Just a thought.[/size][/#808000][/font][  ]
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They were just doing what they purchased a license to do and HAVE EVERY RIGHT to DO --We Should All Love That!!!
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NO way!!. It doesn't matter what the rules and regulations state. Fishermen need to understand the value of a fish like that! It has much, much more value swimming freely in the lake than it does on someone's wall! That fish has got to be an old fish (look at the size!). Why couldn't the fishermen simply take some photo's, and then release the fish so that it could be caught by more fishermen? Wouldn't it be great if we all were able to catch that fish? Seriously, I think that fish probably had another 5 years left in him. How many more people could have caught it in those 5 years?
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[cool][#0000ff]I deleted your (usual) negative post to help keep you from embarassing yourself. You supposed that the fish was at least 40 years old and had many years to live. All of the information I have gathered on rainbows over the years say pretty much the same thing...rainbows MAY live up to 11 years but the average is 4-6. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You launched a tirade against a couple of good ol' boys that probably have no concept of C&R and even if they did they would not likely release the fish of a lifetime. No reason to attack them. They were perfectly within their rights to keep the fish and bask in the glory. They probably also don't know about some rabble rouser in central Utah whose nose is out of joint because they kept the fish.[/#0000ff]
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Dude: you're right on the stats about the age and life span of the rainbows. Those are the numbers I've seen time and time again.
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those 2 brothers just about own the whole rainbow world record scene, line class records and so on. that lake most put out some big fish pretty quick. later chuck
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What Tube Dude said X2.
Its hilarious when the "Ethics Police" come out screaming at someone for obeying the law. There is a big difference between critisizing someone and making suggesions.
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What tubedude said x abizzilion.
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Tubedude -- I'm completely disappointed in you!
My post was not a tirade. My post was not pointed at any individual. My post did not use any crude language. In fact, it didn't break any forum rules at all.
My post was simply something that anyone that reads these forums should have laughed at. My post showed how inconsistent users of these forums are. Hypocrites. It's OK to keep a 40+lb rainbow trout, yet keeping large lake trout is taboo.
That 40lb rainbow is no different than a 40lb mackinaw. Both fish are destined to die. What makes fishermen think that one way of death is more beneficial than another?
FWIW -- that fish should have been kept in any circumstance.
so, what makes that fish different from a 40lb mackinaw? Why is everyone OK with the keeping of it, but the keeping of large mackinaw is so frowned upon? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
I think I'm going to start calling tubedude censordude!
Next time, at least give me the courtesy of letting me know that it happened, and why. There's nothing like getting a phone call asking you why your posts are getting deleted...
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I think the problem is that we all often "talk big" (me included) but in reality I would imagine almost all of us would have a hard time releasing a 43lb. rainbow or a 40lb. laker. I could be wrong.[  ]
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TubeDude\Moderator THANKS for doing exactly what the MODERATOR is supposed to do!!!
Provide direction-Censorship- and deletion of inappropriate posts as determined by your Judgement!!
We appreciate all the moderators and their sometimes difficult work, we don't thank the Mods enough. THANKS!!!!
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[black][size 3]The catching and keeping of this fish is a little different than a mack. There is a little background information on these brothers.[/size][/black]
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[size 3]They have been fishing this lake for years, and have set many world line class records as a result of this action. They look at it as a commercial operation, promoting the lake, the area, and their guiding business.[/size]
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[size 3]The only way that they could set a world record is to keep the fish, having it photographed, weighed, and certified.[/size]
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[size 3]I'm a big fan of catch and release, but there are exceptions. I take a deep breath when I see some of the photos posted on this forum, where they show dozens of fish caught and killed, but I would be the last person to condem someone for keeping fish. We all are different, and fish for different reasons. (some for food, some for fun)[/size]
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[size 3]I hope that the posters on here would display enough maturity that this continuing discussion on catch/release and catch/keep would die as it should. People have differing view on the subject, and a discussion always seems to end up in a disagreement with no one ever changing the opinions of others.[/size]
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If I ever catch a 43lb. Laker, I will do a skin mount and hang it on
my wall just for you.
Sincerly yours,
"cadresults" the Hypocrite
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didn't Tarponjim and tubedude explane this already. rainbows grow alot faster then lake trout. later chuck
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This exclusively C&R attitude has been proven to cause plenty of its own problems. Here are 3 recent examples from just here in Utah: 1. Provo River - A place that is fished almost exclusively by C&R fishermen, and a place where you may fear a lynch mob if you are seen taking a fish away from the water. I have seen twice in the past couple of years where DWR has asked fishermen to keep some of the fish they catch here. It appears the C&R method has overpopulated the area and depleted the food source. As a result, the fish are much smaller than they could be. 2. Flaming Gorge - In this case it is the coveted lake trout. Again, there are too many fish and people are being asked to keep some of the fish they catch. There are too many fish and not enough forage. I have seen at least one report from the DWR asking people to keep these fish in the last couple of years. 3. Strawberry Reservoir - There is a very specific reason they created a 'slot limit' rather than saying 'all cutthroat over 15" must be released'. When the slot limit was introduced, the DWR biologists' studies showed that the fish within that slot limit are the most crucial to controlling the chub population. Fish over the slot size tend to go for larger food, including smaller trout. These larger fish are also nearing the end of their life anyway. Take it for what it is, but I'm not going to shed a tear over this fish. I would have kept it and had it mounted in a heartbeat (after emptying the bank account paying for that huge mount). I also don't feel bad at all taking a couple of fish back to camp for dinner.
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Bullcrap. We can keep what we want as long as it is in the rules. I am sick of listening to people complain? Is it because you dont put yourselves in position like these guys do? They fish quite a bit in waters that have huge trout in them. They have been successful. I am sick of hearing it. It is a shame to see it die. There are more fish out there. Go find one and not judge them.
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Was it a complaint or did he hook a lot of you ?
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Was it a complaint or did he hook a lot of you ?[/reply]
It's been kind of fun. In fact, it was just like real fishing! You head out with the expectations of catching a certain kind of fish, and end up with something completely different... least I'll go home with a limit!