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Shave and a Hair cut 2 bits
[size 1]I gave my ice fishing dog fleas (husky) [shocked] Now I have to figure out where I got them from.

any way I gave my dog a shave and a hair cut and it only cost me to bites. [shocked] one on the ankle and one where the sun seldom shines [sly]

they were only luv bits, no scratches or blood [Smile]

I cant decide which she looks like most, a shaved cat or a giant bearded mexican hairless.[crazy][sly]

she is scaired having to run around naked, but I am sure she will apreciate the new dew this week when we hit tempretures near 100 degrees...

I think I got the fleas a couple weeks back when I visited the 4-H fair.

the poor thing, as I was cutting her hair, all the fleas ran to the back of the bus where they decided to remember the alamo and dug in... Looked like a flock of geese migrating south.

I had to hold off on the cutting for the day and drag her in to the shower where both she and I got a flea bath.... so a day of napping and scratching was rudly intrupted with a shave and a hair cut and a bath...

I find it amazing I was only bit twice... that right "2 bits" [angelic] [/size]
Just be happy thats all you gave her[laugh]... imagine trying to explain anything else to a vet[blush].
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