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What got you hooked?
This forum has been way too quiet!
So who do you blame for getting you HOOKED on Fly Fishing?
[black][size 3]I blame my father and his cronies. it was way back in the 40's, and there was no other way to fish. [/size][/black]
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[size 3]I didn't even see a spinning rod/reel until I was in high school.[/size]
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[size 3]I had to drown a lot of worms before I was allowed to tie on a fly.[/size]
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[size 3]this thread brings back a lot of good memories.[/size]
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[black][size 3]Additional memory: When I started fly fishing, I had a metal telescoping rod, with a cranky reel. Later graduated to a bamboo rod. That was a piece of work, required more tender care than a wife. If it wasn't wiped down of moisture when put away, it would warp. then you had to put it over a steam kettle to make it straight. (God bless fiberglass and graphite).[/size][/black]
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I blame my ffing on the lack of excitement with other kinds of fishing. I got bored with tigers and wipers a few years ago and needed something new to try.[cool]
I guess I could put my blame on TubeDad......TubeDude! I used to watch him for countless hours just tying away on his fly bench. I finally decided to try my hand at it.

Eventually I moved up to heavier species and saltwater. I then started tying my own Saltwater flies and fishing all the big game stuff.[cool]
hmmmm interesting question....

... first Id have to also say that I got kind of bored with worms and such.. didnt have much luck with lures etc so was using bait primarily... then I got to talking to my brothe in law who has fly fished and tied his own flies for years...

.. we were back to the midwest in May a few years ago and I got to talking to my brother in law again... he set up one of his scott rods and reels for me.. gave me a second lesson and handed a box of poppers.. then he left.. lol..

.. I spent the next half hour or so casting.. clearing the line.. replacing poppers I lost or tore up.. and then it happened.. I was watching a large green and yellow frog popper bob in the water and move toward a small tree in the water.. I saw a small wake coming at the popper .. it looked like a torpedo just under the surface.. next thing I knew something hit my popper and I pulled up on the line.. firmly.. but not a hard jerk.. I felt a good tug pulled against me and knew it was on.. after a short fight I pulled in a decent sized (pound or so) lmb.. I have my nephew take a picture and then showed it to everyone of my brother in laws cronies.. heheh last they said was .. put a fork in him. hes done.. hooked for good..

.. since then I have come to know some great people on bulleting boards and have learned a lot.. and that lead me to buying my newest rod on which I caught a nice "kittie" the last time I was out..... I also caught a bunch of small gills on my older rod about a year ago.. it was so much fun.. drop the fly in.. watch them swarm it and wait till I got a good nibble..

.. in a few days I will trying tubing for the first time and feel like a little kid in a candy store.. so many good things to eat but not sure where to start.. [sly].. cannot wait to meet up with a few of the bft'ers and float in a tube and hoperfully bring some good sized fish to hand...

MacFly [cool]
I moved to Colorado. It was required that you FF in Fly Fish heaven.

Well it was not heaven but you could see it form there when there is not smog. Oh, yeah, I forgot. There is not any smog in the mountains.
The thrill of the hunt, the precissson, the awsome assortment of flies, the challenge of tieing your own, the history of it, the total experience.
[font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1]Post:[/size][/black][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1]The thrill of the hunt, the precissson, the awsome assortment of flies, the challenge of tieing your own, the history of it, the total experience.

Very Nice![cool]
I got hooked catching sunnies on dry flies, couldn't believe the way they'd attack them, topwater is still my favorite.
I guess it was when I watched a guy on the S. Fork of the Ogden fish behind me in the holes I drug a spinner through and pull out fish. Curious, I approached him and asked about it. I ran home got my fly rod I got 10 years ago, tied on the fly he showed me (Prince Nymph size 14) and proceeded to catch two fish. I was hooked. Now, I tie my own flies and enjoy the satisfaction of catching a fish on something I created. It is more delicate than slinging hardware, less damaging to the fish (you should see what a treblehook does to a fish--OUCH!) and I guess is makes me a better fisherman. Besides, a 14 inch fish on a 3 wt is sure fun!

[#005000][cool][/#005000][font "Times New Roman"][#005000][size 3]It wasn’t until I moved to Washington that I became interested in fly fishing. Although my Dad would do some FF at times the sport had never peeked my interest. Many years later while fishing the Snoqualmie in WA noticed a fellow fisherman swatting flies. I thought now how graceful was that? When he caught a fish it was totally different from what I was doing with my spinning system. I mean it was like poetry in motion. On my next visit to my sporting goods store guess what I purchased? Yup – you guessed it. BTW I would wade fish wearing hip waders. This fly fisherman was wearing something that looked like a pair of coveralls. Didn’t know about waders at that time. Anyhow I got skunked my first two times out so I seeked a little consul from the sporting goods store. [/size][/#005000][/font][font "Times New Roman"][#005000][size 3]Found out there was more to FF than casting a fly into the water. Finally caught my first Cutt on a dry fly and the rest is history.[/size][/#005000][/font]
.... in reading these posts I keep seeing variations of the same theme... but to me all boils down to that moment.. and we all know what moment I speak.. to see a fish take a fly you cast and are working the best you can.. and you see that fish saying.. yup.. you're doing it right this time.. and then the hit on the fly.. the rush of lifting the rod tip and feeling that first good tug against you.. you see the tip bend.. then come back to you.. back and forth.. you .. the rod.. the fish.. and then.. its over.. you have the fish.. it is yours.. yet you know in your heart as you cleanly remove the fly and gently release the fish to fight another day.. that you want that rush.. again ..and again .. and again... that.. is what truely hooked me..

MacFly [cool]

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