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Flaming George/Lucerne area
Well, i am no longer a mack jigging virgin! I FINALLY caught my first jigging mack in the Swim Beach area saturday morning.
Here is the story.

Myself, djremo, and his family left Ogden friday morning at about 8:30 friday morning. We were dreading the traffic in Mt. View but it was only about 5 minutes before we got to start the rocky bumpy trek through construction. Not too bad after all. We arrived at Lucerne marina at about 11:45 and picked our camp spot. On the way in we saw the "twins" grazing right next to the caretakers house. Huge buck antelope and his whole family! Got a few pics.
We set up camp and headed out to the pipeline. The wind was blowing a little making it a pain to troll at slower speeds but we managed to catch 7 or 8 kokes and 2 -4 or 5# bows. The kokes averaged about 15" with the largest going about 19 or 20". We had probably 10 other hits in that area and then decided to head into camp for some dinner and sleep.
Remo and i woke up at 5 am and hastily got on the water. We started on Antelope flat marking a few macks but nothing that got us excited. We hurried over to Swim and started looking for the humps i fished with Polokid. Took a while but we finally found some fish. The wind calmed down and we set anchor and proceded to jig for the little red lines on the vexilar. After about 10 minutes remo got a bump and missed. Game on! It came right over to my rod and bump, WACK, fish on! When i hooked the fish i almost couldn't believe it! After all the time last ice season fishing for these fish i finally hooked one.[Smile] It was a good 5 minute fight not wanting to loose the fish. Finally we saw color and my first 5# mack. A beautiful female. Over the next hour and a half we had a total of 10 hits and no other hookups. After that we had to go back to camp for breakfast and to take remo's family to do some water recreating. At about 1:30 we made it back out on the water and headed over to the south side of Linwood and started trolling in the 30 mph wind gusts and 5' swells! I missed a fish right off and then remo announced he had a fish on. He landed a 4# mack and was a happy camper. Mission accomplished. I lost another good mack 10' shy of the boat.[sly] We found some macks stacked up on that side but just couldn't get down to them with the wind. Finally time to leave so we packed up and made our way home. Aside from the wind it was everything i could have hoped for. Finally got a mack after 10 tries and now it is "mack fever" Where is doctor jim??? Pics to come soon.
Also, most kokes were caught on RMT dodgers in plaid and crushed orange(?) trailed by a Mai Tai Serpent spoon tipped with exude corn and Carp spit. My mack came on a rainbow 4" tube with sucker meat and carp spit. Kokes down 30' to 60' at 1.9 mph.
[inline "remo's first mack.JPG"]
[inline "remo's first mack #2.JPG"]
Nice report i am going to go up there in sept and try my luck on the macks
Brody, You got me wish'in I was fish'in. I'll make it up there one of these days, glad you had a good trip. Too bad about the " W " but that 's fishing for you.Can't wait to see the pic's.

A few pics added. More to come.
Me and my wife made it to the Gorge this weekend as well. We might have trolled right past you as you where jigging. Nice job on your first mack. We stayed at Anvil and fished Middle Marsh. We hooked up a lot of kokes and 3 that tiped the scale at 3.5 and one that went 4 pounds even. We got 2 small macks as well trolling in the same area. We fished the rock humps at swim beach for a couple houres but no luck. Better luck next time. I about pulled my hair out driving through that construction so on the way home we went around to green river and that knocked 45 min off the time it took us to drive up. Here is a picture of my big mack I got jiging last winter in sheep. creek [signature]
Very nice fish. I wish we would have had more time to hit Marsh Creek area. Lust for a mack and the wind kept us from going up there.[mad]
Now it's time to bump it up to the 30+ club! Nice report Brody.
Good on ya Brody. Nice pics remo. Glad to hear ya hooked up
In my wettest, wildest, dreams! I was just happy to get a pup finally. That fish meant more to me than all the tigers i caught this year and last.[blush]
sorry took so long great time with brody and family here are some pics!
Veddy nice!
What you guys couldn't find the blue cliffs .[Tongue] Sounds like a great trip .

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