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EHD in Green Washington Counties
TEST RESULTS CONFIRM EHD IN GREENE/WASHINGTON COUNTIES Dr. Walter Cottrell, Pennsylvania Game Commission wildlife veterinarian, today announced that test results have confirmed that epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) is causing mortality in deer in parts of southwestern Pennsylvania. So far, more than 100 deer have been found dead in Greene and Washington counties, and the deaths are consistent with EHD. This marks the second time the disease has been confirmed in Pennsylvania.

Cottrell noted that tests were conducted at the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study at the University of Georgia and Penn State University Animal Diagnostics Laboratory, and that those results confirmed that the most commonly found variant (Type II) of EHD was identified.

Mortalities have been reported in Richhill, Gray, Morris, Aleppo, Jackson and Center townships in Greene County; and in West Finley, East Finley, South Franklin and Morris townships in Washington County.

GAME COMMISSION SEEKS TO IDENTIFY CAUSE OF DEATH IN BIRDS Pennsylvania Game Commission officials are investigating the cause of bird deaths in the Harrisburg area, and are urging anyone with information to contact the agency's Southeast Region Office at 610-926-3136.

On Thursday, Aug. 23, agency officials submitted four swallows and one purple martin to the state Department of Agriculture's Animal Health and Diagnostic Laboratory for testing. The birds had been found near a marina along the Susquehanna River near Middletown, Dauphin County.

For more information, please visit the Pennsylvania Game Commission - State Wildlife Management Agency website:<br />;Q=172301


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