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Konanee Rods?
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Alright guys I am really liking this Kokanee fishing. In fact I am starting to like it more than Mack fishing. So since I am liking it so much I want to buy some rods just for trolling for the Kokes and stop using my spinning rods. So what do you guys prefer for rods? I am thinking I want a 7' to 7'6" Light or Ultra Light baitcasting rod since I already have two Shimano Calcutta reals to use on them.

But the problem I am having is I can't find a baitcasting rod that is Light or Ultra light in those lengths. So am I screwed up in my thinking or are there rods out there that fit this description.[/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][black][size 3][#808000]

Thanks Everyone,[/#808000]
My son has a Kokanee rod that has no outside guides. The line runs through the inside of the rod.
I think that it's 7' long and is made just for Kokanee trolling.
He loves it!
I went through the same thing looking for a medium or light trolling rod that was suitable for baitcaster reels. I looked at St. Croix, G. Loomis, and all the different Cabela and Bass Pro rods. It seemed that anything in a baitcaster rod that was 7'6" was always heavy action. Anyway, I ended up trying a Cabela's Depthmaster Trolling Series Rod. The one I got was 8' and it was a "downrigger" model. The action was medium. I didn't expect much since it was a $35 rod. I was really, really surprised! I love the rod and have since bought another one, except this was the 8'6" downrigger model in medium. I like the lighter action of the "medium" weight. I wanted to get away from the Heavy/Med. Heavy action. By the way, I like the 8'6" one better than the 8', but either are great. Go ahead and try one and I bet you'll like them. Plus the price is right. No sense plunking down $80-120 for an expensive rod if it doesn't fit the bill.
Wyobraz,get in touch with Jared at Rocky Mt Tackle, he will hook you up. I wouldn't get the line inside the rod option, I have one and it sucks.
Sent you a pm
I know people either love or hate Ugly Sticks. I've got an Ugly Stick Lite spinning rod that I don't like much. But my downrigger rod is a 8'6" Ugly Stick Lite Salmon/Steelhead medium action casting rod and I love it. I bought mine after fishing with someone else's several times at Strawberry for kokes.
Braz: I second the motion to just call or pm Jared. Go right to the top and ask the Master!
Hey Braz, you might take a look at cabelas bargain barn, they had some pretty nice blanks for 10 to 20 bucks that would fit you needs pretty nice. as I remember you say that you would like to build your own rod. here's the time to start. I can help you with any part of it.
I know what you mean about those kokes, after fishing for them with Ash this year I had a blast and them suckers taste pretty dang good. let me know if you decide to build a rod and I can let you use my old hand wraper. it's whole made but it works great.
later chuck
Jared will give you some good options, my personal favorite but not made anymore is the Fenwick Fenglass/Classicglass FS83C. You can find them on ebay every once and awhile. Great rod with great action. I like a longer rod, 8 to 8.5 ft, with a soft action. Youve got to take into consideration enjoying feeling the fish as he is fighting with some give in the rod for those softer mouths earlier in the season. A longer rod can give you a little more control when trying to manuver a crazy fighting koke around a motor or around a downrigger etc. A light to medium light moderate to slow action rod should do the trick. Check out your options. Let us know what you decide.
as every one else has said get a hold of Jared or check out okuma I'am useing the koke pro's at 7'ft ultra lite's thay are great for the money I got them for $35 each but he can allso turn you on to the best rod's lammaglass but yo will pay for them 140+.shimano is allso building some koke rod's but as far as them shasta rod's all of them I have used are junk but check around there are some great company's comeing out with some great rod's wait till the Jared Johnson sig rods come out thay will rock I have allready got to check them out and thay are the stuff get some great koke rod's and get rid of them coffe grinder's and you will really love koke fishing that's why I havent droped on a mac in over 2 month's to much fun.later ASH
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Thanks for help guys. Right now I am looking at the Vance's Custom Spiral Wrap 7' Rod, here is a link check it out.[/size][/#808000][/font] [url ""]Click Here[/url]

[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]I also will try to make a couple on my own this winter. Thanks Chuck I didn't even think about that until you mentioned it.[/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Yep guys these Kokes are way too much fun. The season closes tommorow and I am already looking forward to next year.LMAO[/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Later,[/size][/#808000][/font]
closes monday the 10th
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Yep that's right I am a day off. I've never been accused of being the sharpest knife in the drawer.LMAO[/size][/#808000][/font]
If you are going to get into building rods. is a pretty good place to find all the stuff and some other pretty cool things. They seem to have as good of prices as anyone.
bearlake fishguy is on the money, and many outhers, please dont spend over $50:00 on a rod. eny rod that has a good bend and good flexability will work for the kokes. i too have an ugly stick med action 7ft, and that is perfect for the kokes. yes they do have soft mouths and thats why this is a good rod. pleanty of play and a very strong rod. i landed a couple of nice cats between 10 and 19lbs last night on this rod,it will handel the biggens with plenty of force when you need it. and as for the koke fishing it's great on a downrigger, but i wouldent recomend it for jiging. it's too sensitive for that type of fishing. but like every one else has said you might want too talk too jared, he might get you a good deal on a nice rod. but please dont spend over $100-150 dollars for a rod. it's just not necessary
Check out Rogue rods. They aren't cheap, but some of the best i've used. I do know where to find them on sale right now if interested. I'm not sure if the rods on sale are the Kokanee special but they have some great options.

[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]I'm glad you like the Ugly Stick, but I am one of the guys that don't. I am the kind of guy that believes you get what you pay for, but I don't plan on paying hundreds of dollars. In my opinion 60 to 70 dollars should get the quality of rod I am looking for. The Vance's Rod I mentioned is in this price range as well as other rods just for the Kokes. [/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Jigging now that is a different story. Until I can make my own I am happy paying hundreds of dollars on a rod that can feel the slightest hit have the power for a good hookset and then handle the fish properly. I may be new to koke fishing but I am definatly not new to fishing for big fish at the Gorge.[/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Thanks for the advice,[/size][/#808000][/font]
i dont know enything about vanc'es.. but i do have a med- heavy gloomis for jigging. and its' never let me down. i must say your one of the few wyoming guys that postes here i sure appreiciate it braz.i ts nice too get some reports from are neighbors! and by the way how's the hunting going? tight lines jon.
Well as usual I am a little late to the Party but I will give you my two cents..... As many people have said it is not required to spend a "MINT" to get a quality rod. I have used/Tested about everything out there and I will give you my top 4 favorites in two different catagories
59.95 and Under
Lamiglas Kokanee Special (Dark Blue colored Rod) 59.95(Great Value)
Shakespeare Agility (Black/gold writing ) 35.00
Okuma Kokanee Pro ( Dark Rust Brown ) 35.00
Shakespear ugly stick (Black, Of Course) Med-Lite 39.99 (Great Value)
All of the rods above are 7 foot
Lamiglas Tournament Kokanee (dark grey) 119.95 7'9
lamiglas ultra light Glass ( Dark Yellow) 119.95 7'6
Vances Roberts rap (Grey) 79.95
Anglers Touch (Blue) 69.95
Just Remember The Reason there are so many different choices is You get what you Pay for but I have always been a big believer in Value as well Long Story Short I own ALL of the above rods and I think the best for the Money is going to be the ones in the top column.
You know where to find me if you ever need anything Braz
Take care and good Luck
Jared Johnson/ R.M.T.

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