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Flyfishing NO NO's...
[font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1] What are some of the fly fishing No No's you do..
Example I do this alot in the wind...
I over power my cast in the wind alot.. Even though I know I will end up with poor slack cast or end up casting knot. AkA wind knots..

Just wondering... I hear lots of advise on casting or how to leaders to tippets and on and on. But I never do hear about what we do when were alone...

If I have been fishing all day, I get a little sloppy at times.
sloppy is my middle name since I dont get out and practice as much as I should... [unsure]

MacFly [cool]
I put on reading glasses to change flies or tippet. Then I forget them take them off. But I suddenly remember I have them on when I try to step from rock to rock.
One my No No's is pure lazyness its when I just tie my tippet right to they fly line. LoL its a no no but sometimes I am just lazy...
Tippet direct to the fly??? If that's a no no then I am guilty as well.

The only difference is that I use Tyger Leader as Tippet when fishing the big toothy critters in the Salt Water.

If it works, don't fix it![cool]
LoL I am saying sometimes I dont use a leader at all.... just one the tippet.. usually you nail knot your leader to your fly line then your tippet to your leader then your fly...
Nymphing, I do that also. No need for a nice presentation on a fly that is on the bottom. I just use P-Line flouro in 2lb, 4lb, and 6lb. It would be even cheaper to use regular mono with a foot or two of P-Line, but I hate packing all those spools.[cool]
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]We always hear about the positive aspects of fly fishing. There are zillions of How To books, articles, DVDs etc on ways to improve one’s fly fishing skills. I don’t care what one’s skill level is, for everyone should be afforded the opportunity to enjoy their day on the water. Which brings me to the subject of etiquette? [/size][/green][/font] [ul] [li][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Don’t crowd out other fisherman. I try to leave a space of 50 to 100 yards between me and the next person on the water.[/size][/green][/font][/li] [li][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]When moving behind someone fishing for a better location move slowly so as not to disturb the water. Kicking submerged rocks creates enough noise to send the fish to a more secure location.[/size][/green][/font][/li] [li][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]If float tubing give space to those around you.[/size][/green][/font][/li] [li][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]When replacing a leader that has seen better days, be sure to dispose of it properly when returning to shore. I store mine in a plastic sandwich bag in my vest[/size][/green][/font][/li][/ul]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Along these lines feel free to add to my list.[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3] [/size][/green][/font]
Yesterday... I was fly fishing up on the narrows and I just had my 5 wt rod with me. I seen some big smallies. I decided to fish for them so I tied on a big lead wrapped mop leach better suited for 7 wt or 8wt rod. It wasnt long before I hooked the back of vest and smacked the back of my head. Luckly I didnt pierce an ear lol.
Both times I screwed up my cast It was in front of people that were watching me LOL... I hope they got a good laugh...
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Been there done that. How come is it Warchild that there always seem to be more critiques around when one is fly fishing that when bait or spinner fishing. I guess that if one is not as graceful as a ballerina dancer when fly fishing then you are do it wrong. [/size][/green][/font]
You got a point there. Ive never had people stop and watch me fish when I got a regular pole there. The moment I got a fly rod or my 12 foot bamboo stick. I get people watching me..

Yep I knew I should of been using a lighter fly and shorter tippet and leader but O well at least my fans got a laugh...
and all this time I thought it was as gracefull as a clogger [laugh]
I suppose my biggest NO NO is...NO catching of fish on a fly NO matter what [Tongue]

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