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[black][size 3]For those anglers interested in fishing for large carp, attached is a picture of one. [/size][/black]
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[black][size 3]This fish is reported to be a world record, taken recently in Thailand. This thing weighed 265 lbs., and was caught by a local guide there who was out testing a fishing rod he he had recently built.[/size][/black]
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Holy Smokes!!! That's a lot of Catfish bait and garden fertilizer.
That one must have been a good fight on any type of tackle.
Thanks for sharing that one.[cool]
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I wonder what kinda bait they caught that thing off? Monster fish!
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What a monster fish. Must have fought like a giant yellowtail. What pound test ?
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Look the picture over carefully! Do you know of any two little guys from Thailand that can heft 275 pounds as easy as these two appear to be doing? Having spent some time in SE Asia, I don't.
Regards, & Good Fishin'
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I have seen those two guys somewhere before, cant place my finger on where...
sertainly a wopper of a fish, but something aint quite right with that fishes eye....
I never seen a carp with an up turned mouth before either... dosnt mean it is not real, just weird, even for a bugle mouth...
[size 1]I am going to go with LlindeX on this one, in my opinion, I think it is a fraud.... When the world record was in europ was around 86lbs, to have one turn up three times the record is a bit hard to swallow, even if it was an entirely different species....[/size]
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[size 1]Looking at a pic of a 42 pounder I caught, I also noticed that with the mamoth carp, a major fin didnt seem to make it in to the picture... with that fin missing and the wrong mouth along with the misplaced eye and deformity of the eye, I am going to say it is a fake...[/size]
[size 1][/size] [center][url ""] ![[Image: 36_inch_carp.jpg]]( [/url][/center] [center]click upper pic to enlarge[/center] [center] ![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=27944;]](;postatt_id=27944;) [/center]
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Here is a pic of a bighead carp from here in NE it has an upturned mouth.
![[Image: e7e039c4.jpg]](
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well, ya cirtainly got me on the mouth thing, I cant argue that one, but there is the smuged eye thing, when the rest of the fish is in sharp "high pixel" the eye area seems to be slop... and the missing fins on the bottom, still need to be answered for...
I blew up the pic 200 times, the rest of the pic is a sharp image, I was looking for the fins that should have been pressent along the side, with out them the fish would be swiming on his side.... I thought at first maybe they cut the fins off so I would see where they used to be, no scars, no smuged areas..
It just looks fake to me,,
but thanks for the upturned mouth pic, I would have argued that one to the ground... LOL.. thats a new one for me, not all carps are bottom feeders..[crazy]
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I'm not saying that the pic is real or fake. I just wanted to share the bighead pic. Guys around here shootem with their bows. I don't think you can actually catch them.
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I was thinking the fish was a fake not so much the pic, (ya know a cheep replica" it may be a combination of both..
I am glad you posted the pic, It had always been my understanding that all carp were bottom feeders... with the up turned mouth that changes things...
we got some of them 70 pound bugle mouths here in MI that have yet to be caught.... they run about 4-5 feet in lenth... I have seen them jumping out of the water and doing the slide slap on top the water making all kinds of racket... When I was a kid it used to be a horendous racket, but with all the traffic on the roads today I dont hear them any more...
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Cheap replica, maybe. These days, for a little bit of money, you can have a taxidermist order and paint a replica mount that would look exactly like the real thing. Make a world record looking fish, dip in water, photograph, and you would be in the news for sure.
That being said, my biggest was 31". I'd love to hook into one four times the size, though I don't think my tackle would live too long...[cool]
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[black][size 3]Additional info on this fish, and others.[/size][/black]
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[url ""][/url]
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Well, now it makes more sense. Not a Common Carp, but a Giant Siamese Carp. I wish I was rich enough to just spend my time traveling around the world hunting and fishing for exotic species...
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I had to remove your first link because it goes to a site with a forum, "its a long standing item we dont allow in our forum"
[url ""][/url] otherwise kown by common name Siamese giant carp
thanks for bring up the species, kewl one for sure...
[url ""]Full resolution[/url] (1200 × 800 pixel, file size: 287 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg)
It is hard to emagine that a carp could be challanged in numbers as this one is, no doubt thay are taisty critters, that is if you can get them out of clean water...
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I think that is why the new world record large mouth bass will have to be catch and keep...[crazy]
artist have gotten good at thier jobs at making replicas, and photogriphy and computer graffics have gotten outstanding nowadays.
so for this fish to be counted as the world's record of its species it will have to be taken in weighted, measured, scanned for metal ect.... and partialy dicected... and nope "for the record" the fish cant live to eat another 5 pound bag of dog food in a koi pond.. LOL ... But I think these record holders know that... that explains why the faces seemed fimilar...
and nope for sure not your every day run of the mill common carp... lol ... and to be caught on a fly rod to boot... and I thought a 42 pounder would be fun...
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Well, the taxidermists can't quite do everything...I remember I took in the photo for my Fiancee's first fish, a little Northern Pike, and asked them to make a replica. Once I gave them the measurements, he kind of arched his eyebrow and told me "We don't make them that small. The smallest form is over 30 inches." LOL. He told me I should have kept the fish if I wanted it mounted for her.
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sounds like to me he didnt want the job,.[  ]
in my area there are lots of gills perch crappie and such replica mounts... granted I think the smallest is about 7-8 inches...
if her first fish was smaller than that, you might want to buy a small can of playdo and some acrilic hobby paints and recreate it for her...
and if it were that small, you could carve one out of a hotel room size bar of soap...[laugh]
some of the old timers "guys who have been in the business for a while" may still have molds from the old style way of mounting fish.
I just got in my new taxidermy book a couple weeks ago, havent read it yet, tell me the type of fish and it measurements and I will see if I can find it for you,
if you got the photo, and I can find it, all you will need do is find some one who can paint it for you..
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Well, I don't have the measurments off hand. The problem, I think, was that it was a Pike, only about 16-17" if I recall. Most people wouldn't consider mounting a Pike under 30", so they would have had to pretty much make a custom form rather then ordering a pre-made form and carving it a little...
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sounds like some one didnt want the job or he was looking for a big pay day reguardless to the size of the fish...
dont give up, My catalog shows the body blanks down to 14 1/2 inch then you have a head and tail to go on it would streach it to about 16-20 inches...
you could always tell your buddies before you gall hooked it it was only 15 inches but she jurked on it so hard it streached another 5 [laugh]...
remember when buying any mount, you are paying for the art work more than any thing else..
all togeather you are looking at about 60-85 in materials (body blank, head blank, eyes, paint, fins & tail), a good few days labor..... figure about 150-200 for a mount with this method.
If you keep the fish to be used in a mold, they press it in to plaster and fill with a polly foam... it is cheeper, it is some times faster, (some times)
finished product runs from 5 dollars an inch in lenth and up... figure about 90-120 for a mount this way, so ya you save 65-80 bucks this way but if you are doing it just for the mount, I say release the fish and go the other way...
Remember you can still eat the fish after the mount is made, unless you do a fish skin mount... old style method, requires aditional chemical treatments in adition to a hand carved styrofoam mount...
aside from that there is the now ever popular fish head mount. much like a deer mount. realy cool, and a few less buckeroos..
If you want I can send you the info for you to take with you if you are serious about getting a mount done...
since you never took a real measurment your good to go, I doubt any one will remember a couple inches differance...
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Funny you mention the "She yanked it so hard...". As I recall, the fish followed her spoon all the way to the rockey bank, and bit at the last second, as so many pike do. She landed the fish by screaming, jerking back on the rod and slamming the poor fish into the rocks (it seemed healthy despite this on release).
This was also over a year ago, and I thought it would be a neat present. As I thought of it after the fact, and I didn't have the fish to do a skin mount (or cast a mold), I didn't persue it to much. Though now that I'm thinking about it, I should get one made of her first smallmouth she caught this summer. 18" is pretty impressive for a first. I wonder if I can find someone to paint one up before christmas...