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$1200 birthday pressent for my dog
Well, My pup just truned 10 this past tuesday...

she didnt get her present untill today, I did order it on her birthday... To be honest I was scared out of my wits for most of the day while she was getting it.

I took her to the vet, as many of you know I had mentioned earlier my pup had a tumor on her breast, It had gotten to the size of a coco-nut and as bout as hard...

first thing I hear when we go in is that the opperation could kill her, meds could kill her, it could be cancer, Just about every thing wrong that could go wrong they told me, or should I say reminded me, I had taken her in back in agust for a check up and we talked about it then, at that time the tumor was the size of a golfball,

They told me an estimate of about $1200.oo to remove the tumor back then, Well comming up with $1200.oo on a fixed budget is not an easy task let me tell ya,

I didnt sleep a single minute last night.... and I took her in this morning for perliminary testing, blood, exrays and other stuff, I was told that they may not be able to do the sergery depending on what they found....

Justifying $1200.oo wasnt easy either, the doc said if it is cancer she would only have a couple weeks to live without the sergery, with the sergery about 5 months...

The thought of loosing her on her birthday or at christmas time was a bit much, so I told them to do the opperation, Worst case senario is I buy her 5 more months of eating cookies and mooching the last bite of my sandwiches...

Its hard to Imagine how attached one gets to a pup, from about 9 am till 2 pm I sweated it out, not knowing what was comming, terrified every time the phone rang it would be the vet telling me it was cancer... ya I got about 15 phone calls today... I might need some cardiac treatment my self I tell ya what...

then about 2pm the phone rang and it was the vet, and my heart sank in to deapths of my gut as I awaited to hear those dreaded words...

stonewall jacksons statue would have had a hard time holding back the waterworks.. I had this pup since she was two weeks old...

They didnt come, insted the doc said her lungs was clear, blood was good, kidneys look good... the tumors didnt look cancerous, and he thought they biopsy will come back benine so he was going to go ahead and do the sergery...

about 3:30 I talk to the doc again and he said the prognosis looked good, she came though the sergery ok and was just waking up but would be groggy for the rest of the night... I am leaving to go pick her up just as soon as I let this post fly...

My Vets Name is Lisner
the place is called Lisner's Vet Hospitol...
It is located on maple road on the corner of haggerty in commerce twp MI, mailing & phone directory is Walled Lake.

I want to give my personal and highest recomendation for Doc Lisner and staff.. they treat all animals, yep cats and birds too...

This is the second time they have saved the live of my pup....[cool][cool][cool][cool][cool][cool][cool][cool][cool][cool] Yep! I rate this team Ten Kools out of Ten Kools posible...

Its time for me to go pick her up, be back in a few....
I saved this reply for last because having met your dog I know how special she is to everyone .
I'm glad to hear everything turned out alright , cept' the bill of corse , but that is money well spent .
Dog has been a faithfull companion thruout the years , done been along side you thru the good times and all the bad times , never questioning the rime or reason of any situation that came along .

Ya' know , if you could save all the head pats and the "she's a pretty puppy " and put them in boxes you definatly would have to get yourself a mantion to live in cause there wouldn't be much room left over to walk around the house .

I'm real happy for ya' Dave and for Dog too ! If something bad would have happened I don't know what all the kids you've come to know over the years woud do without her around .

your pal , Al
Thanks for the kind words, she has been a treasure in my life, tho she has been to hell and back with me a couple times.... I owed it to her to say the least....

I used to be one of them guys who say I cant understand why any one would put out that kind of money out for a pet...

well as I prepaired my self to not have her around the house any more I dicided I would get all the time I could for her... I could not bare the thought of not having her under my feet just yet... so what ever I get, a few weeks more a few months more or a few years more I think it is money well spent, and lets face it, over the last ten years I spent more than that on cookies and icecream and Micky D's cheese burgers for her... we're not even talking dog food and shots yet...

the bill came up to just under 900,

she has two more doc visits in the next couple weeks, by wich time the biopsy will be back and we will know for sure one way or the other...

Needless to say, I dont think I will be in the woods before the end of black powder season... I gladly make that sacrifice to keep her for a little while longer...

she is in pain now, she was befor the opp... tomarow she starts a regiment of antibiotics and pain pills...

I have to stick close by to make sure she dosnt start licking her wound, it has to stay open so it can ooze for a couple days to get out the rest of the gunk... I gave her my sleeping bag to ooze on..

as I said befor I highly recomend my Vet Dr Lisner.
his web site is [url ""][/url]When I was picking up my pup, I check to see if he had a website, I didnt see it on his business card.

so any one who may want to have their rabbit or coon hounds checked out after tackeling a porky pine or have a run in with ticks this is the place to go in southern Oakland county...

I mentioned this was the second time they saved my pup, the first time was when she was poisened by cumidine and was with-in minutes of being a gonner they took her in asap...

I cant say enough good things about this place...
she has come out of the anistesia ok, she is regaining her ballance and is starting to remember and reconizing her suroundings again. and her appite is starting to come back, this morning she needed breakfast in bed.. this afternoon she was all eager to get up and go after dinner and cookies... she even started showing her old playfull self..

I have to be vary carefull in keeping her settled down so she dosnt rip her stiches...

here is a pic,

It is rated "R"

so if ya have a queezy stomac dont look...
Wow , they really did open her up bigtime [shocked]!

Shure will be hard keeping her staying still for a couple weeks , specially when the ice hits .
I guess You will have to sit with her and do some boob tube watching or fly tieing for a bit untill she can safley get around .
give her a scratch behind the ears for me , will ya' ?
Aaaauuwwww... poor puppy.

We are big dog lovers here in this house. Hope she recovers quickly. What happened?
Yep, I will be a dedecated couch potato for the next couple weeks...

good thing I like christmas movies...

I am planning on trying a couple flies for ice fishing... I am going to try a home made wiggler to match the stone flie and may fly larve the gills are eating at thrity foot depths...
she had a breast tumor the size of a coca nut

I am waiting on the return of the bi-opsy to know if it was cancerous


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