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Yuba Perchathon Info and Signup
[black]Okay everybody here's the plans to date: We will up grade weekly to keep everyone current on the latest plans. The following is a list of what we need and what to expect. If you would please P.M. us so we know what is being offered we will then list it as plans are finalized on this sight then there will be less confusion on who's bringing what.

For the food: We need 2 other people, along with Mrs. Pikeman to volunteer to cook.( we are planning on 100+ people.) This will require that you bring your own stove and pans and needed ingredients to cook your recipe. If you want to cook and use Pikemans Recipe we will share the info. You will need to plan on cooking fish and potatoes. We will have the potatoes furnished. They will be previously baked and diced so basically you will be browning and heating; very simple. We would like to start cooking around 10. We will set up the cooking area by the cliffs where the paintings are on the rock.

We need 6 people to volunteer to bake a 5lb bag of potaoes ( brown russet) and then dice them into small chunks. Also to bring 2 chopped onions.

We will ask everyone to furnish there own drinks.

We will need 3 people to bring 50 paper plates ( Strong- not styrofoam please) and 50 plastic forks.

We will need 2 people to bring 3 rolls of paper towels and 1 large bottle of ketchup.

Glen will supply all the salt needed. [Wink] Hee,Hee

We will need 2 people to bring a fold up table.

We will also need about 10 large garbage bags. Someone posted that they could bring them if you would P.M. us to confirm that would be great.

We will need 3 people committed to fillet fish. This means you will need to bring your own fillet knives and fillet boards and tables or whatever you like to use. We would also like several others to come prepared as backups.

We will need 2 people to bring 2-5 gallon jugs of water for rinsing the fillets.

If anyone else wants to bring other food items. The more the merrier. You will not need to inform us on that. Just bring it and we'll enjoy it.

Now for the PRIZES!!!!

If you have items you would like to contribute as prizes please let us know. We will plan on drawing for all prizes. HOWEVER: The biggest prize will be given for the biggest fish.

For the kiddo's : 13 and under will need to write a report on why they like to fish and thanking sportsmans for the gifts donated. The report must be written by the child in their own words. The small children will still need to hold the pencil and have their parents help guiding there hand. Pikeman will collect reports from 8:00-8:30 and will then draw so that the children will be able to use their prizes. We recommend you plan well so to be there on time.

For the adult prizes we will have tickets. One per person and it will be for all people 14 and older. We will draw from the biggest prizes down to the smallest. So everyone will have a fair chance. We will plan to draw at noon and you will need to be present to win.

If you plan on bringing wheelers maybe you would be willing to help in shuttleing people about.

That about sums it up. Sorry for the length. We are looking forward to a great party. We hope to see you all there. Pikeman and the Mrs. GO FISH

I am probably not going to be able to make it due to work but I would like to donate all of the plastic forks and paper plates for this function.

[cool]Sounds cool. I might be there but not sure yet...
I will be happy to come and bring my stove to help cook... I brought mine last year but never needed it... so count me in as a chef!!!
Did we decide on a date yet?
[cool][#0000ff]Saturday, Feb. 16th...2008[/#0000ff]
i will be there and will bring plates and plastic knives/forks. Also i will have my snowmobile so i can shuttle food/people....
UP DATE: We have the following sign ups from those who have P.M.ed us that would like to help. Please P.M. us if you want to help.

Cooks: Mrs. Pikeman Still need 1 more
8incher-cookking taters
plates and forks: majja

papertowels&ketchup: bwhitty

ocean: hotdogs

Filleters: bassrods and TD. still need 1 more

Prizes: Lettsfish
TubeDude (jigs plus BFT gifts)
Mt. Nebo tackle
K&T's Silver Eagle in Heber

Shuttle: lunkerhunterz need a few more
we also still need the following

garbage bags
1 more person for papertowels and ketchup
3 more people for potatoes
folding tables.

Hopefully you are all earning your kitchen passes and will soon be signing up for the rest of the items still needed. Thanks
Pikeman GO FISH
I'm planning on it, will bring a table (3'X6'), can bring a deep fryer burner unit with a dutch oven to use frying. Will bring my snowmoklunk & sled to ferry.

One caveat, My truck is only 2WD and is totally helpless in the slick. I might need help from a 4X4 to get back to the top of the hill.
Glen i should have specified. I will bring 48 hotdogs and 48 buns and my heater to boil them in.[Tongue]
I will volunteer to fillet as long as I can still fish a little before hand. I would like to get one of those big browns who chomp on those little perchies.

What time will I be needed?

I will probably bring my wife, a few scouts and a father or two, so I might be able to round up some more volunteers.
I'd like to volunteer as a backup/4th person for the filleting job. I have a 12VDC filleting knife and a battery pack that I can bring for faster meat processing.

Looking forward to the event!
I think I would like to come and bring my wife. The last few years I have fished Strawberry through the ice and I am now trying to expand my horizens. Took a bunch of souts from Nevada out to Minersville last week and we all caught fish and had a blast.

I need to make sure I can get the day off from work and I would also like to bring my wife who had yet to catch a fish through the ice. Will some of you perch experts be giving advice on how to catch fish out on Yuba? I would love to get one myself and help my wife catch a bunch. I will do what I can to help but Let me make sure I can come before I make any promises.

My wife is trying to get work off, just wondering what else you need anyone to bring so we can help out.
All sound great but, I seem to be missing the date?

I would like to signup and support where I can.

[red][size 3]UPDATE...2/4/08: [black][size 2]Still need 1 more cook, 1 more person to bring potatoes and someone to bring garbage bags.[/size][/black][/size][/red] UP DATE: We have the following sign ups from those who have P.M.ed us that would like to help. Please P.M. us if you want to help.

Cooks: Mrs. Pikeman ajensen 8-incher 4boats
plates and forks: majja

papertowels&ketchup: bwhitty
ocean: hotdogs

Filleters: bassrods tubedude

Prizes: Lettsfish
TubeDude (jigs plus BFT gifts)
Mt. Nebo tackle
K&T's Silver Eagle in Heber

Shuttle: lunkerhunter2 walleyebob

garbage bags: utahbill water: walleyebob dubob troll
Potatoes: sewfish 4boats tmas utahbill
folding tables: walleyebob 8 incher dubob tmas cutting boards: ashorthair This will be the final up date. Please be sure to bring your radios. We will be on 7. If you want to contribute anything else just bring it along. Any contribution will be great. Any one wanting to fillet or help shuttle just come prepared. We will be having the drawings and the cooking in the parking lot. As for the kids prizes they will need to write an essay that says why they like to fish and thanking sportsmans. They must be handwritten. If they are too small to write you may assisst them but they must hold on to the pen. They need to be turned in to pikeman between 7:30 and 8:00. Only those who wrote an essay will be in the drawing and the drawing will be at 8 sharp. As for the adults you will need to sign up for a ticket and you will need to put your board name on the back of the ticket. You can enter the drawing between 8-10 a.m. the drawing will be at noon in the parking lot and you must be present to win. There will be a grand prize for the longest perch caught. If there should be a tie there will be a drawing between them. We want to give a BIG THANKS to all you do-bees who buzzed right in to help. It should prove to be a great party because of you. see you there Pikeman GOFISH [/reply]
We were hoping you would be able to do 5lbs of baked potatoes diced up so we can fry them up on the ice. Thanks Pikeman GO FISH
Sorry, but I don't think we will be able to make it down. She couldn't get work off. [Sad]
I'll sign up to the potato, (5lb, baked and sliced for frying). Let me know of anything else.

Do we know how many people are comming to eat and all????
And we need every one to come and catch fish so we can have some to cook and eat...

I have a table and will be there by 7:00 and fish till 9:30 or have my limit or witch ever comes first....

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