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Biggest Fish I Ever Caught!!
This is the monster I caught recently!!
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=33662;]

Just kidding![sly] Just thought this was a cool pic of this Pacific Humpback that we saw go full breach about 50-60 ft off the side of our scuba boat in Maui 2 weeks ago! Enjoy!
That's awesome. I was there last year and didnt see that![mad]

I want my money back! (just kidding)

Thats pretty close. I bet that got everybodys attention!!
Yeah, it definatly got everybodys attention! We were on our way back to harbor, and the Captain saw a couple mother's and calves breaching, so he killed the engines and let us drift for a minute and these guys were heading straight at us. This one breached the closest to the boat. The Captain said he's been working that boat for 9 years and never seen one breach that close.

A couple of days prior, we were out at Molokini crater and were lucky enough to see a whale shark. I wish I would have got a picture of that. Pretty rare to see them in the wild.

Here's another pic for ya, last sunset we had there.
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=33663;]
Very cool shot of the whale, and the sunset is amazing as well. Man I can not wait until September when I get to go back to Hawaii.

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