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I went up to Strawberry again this week. You will probably all think that this is just a big fish story but I have witnesses. We got there about 5 PM on Friday and fished until about midnight, the ice conditions are perfect no slush at all to speak of. We took sleds across to the Renegade side of the lake and started fishing in about 40 feet of water. My friend and I both left the ice at about midnight catching 27 fish each, it was a great night. The next morning on Saturday we started about 7 AM and went to the same spot we fished all day until dark that night and I was able to ice another 54 fish and my friend another 35. It was probably the best day I've ever had up there. We were using various colors of water crickets, and ice cutters with the split tail. White, Clear with sparkles, and Glow all seamed to be the best tipped with a meal worm. All in all we iced 143 fish only a couple over the slot but they all got thrown back.
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Sounds like a sweet time up there. Nice work.
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nice job richy. i think most people will belive you. enyone who has fished the berry often has ran into days just like you. ive been thinking of a night trip up there soon. last wintr i hooked a 27 incher during the night but it was cooold -15 deg and the inside of my ice shack was white.
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Nice report!
If your in the right location 50+ fish is not uncommon.
Way to go!
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nice report. sounds like u got into them.
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Excellent report! And I don't believe it is a fish story because we experienced the same kind of fishing at Strawberry on Saturday (2/23). 3 of us (Michael Bolton, my cousin (NETOSCOUSIN), and myself) arrived at what seemed like lunchtime on Saturday, stayed a few hours and caught 37 fish, with a lot more than that that got away. We had 3 that went 23 inches, and 1 24 incher. I attached a picture of one of the 23 inchers. Sorry about the quality, it was my dumb cameraphone inside the ice shack no less. 3 or 4 more Cutts that went over the 22 inch slot were caught as well. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Quite possibly the best day of ice fishing Strawberry in a long long time, which is surprising even to us as usually (according to my ledgers) the fishing gets way slow this time of the year. Every now and then the planets align and the that happens. I don't count on it happening again this season! One of us, who uses his patented sleeping-technique to catch fish (my cousin), was true to form, in that he did in fact sleep pretty much the whole time. Just gets way too comfortable inside that 6 man ice shack! Michael Bolton tried to wake him when a fish committed suicide and impaled itself on his jig every now and then, but had he been paying attention the fish count would have been a lot higher! We also had quite a few major tangle-ups. You can't have 6 lines and a fish camera down, all within about 12 feet, and not expect to have problems. At one point a single fish took out 5 of our lines, AND the fish camera! Took us about a 1/2 hour to recover from that one! Mulitiple 3 line tangle ups and it seems like every time I caught one it tangled into both of my lines. I'm not sure if this two pole fishing is making me catch more fish or less! We couldn't have done it without the snowmobile as we used it to get way out to the area we fished. Thankfully it worked well getting us out there and back. The snowmobile konked out on us in the parking lot after we were done. Glad it didn't quit on us out on the ice...that would have been a LOOOONG walk back!
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing. Then I retired. Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.
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I would say that a 4 wheeler would have been just fine on saturday. Who knows after this week with temps in the 50's though.
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That's awesome! Hard to believe that someone can catch that many fish in such a short amount of time. I love the berry!
usually fishing has really slowed down by this time of the year, sounds like you guys found a hot spot.
A 50 fish day is truly amazing! I have only had a couple and they were both at Soldier Creek. Congrats!