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Dead Deer Walking
[cool][#0000ff]Hey guys, I just got this in an email from BFTer "Leaky".[/#0000ff]
[black]"Ever been walking through the woods at night and had that creepy sensation that something was watching?[/black]
[black]This picture is from Montana, where someone set out a motion sensor camera to see if any big bucks were passing in the area."[/black]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=33867;]
I'd say dead deer walking. He won't know what hit him.[shocked]
[cool][#0000ff]Then again, we don't really know. Maybe it was just a mismatched "couple" out on a date...victims of a messed up dating service. Those "mixed marriages" don't usually work out.[/#0000ff]
Imagine the possibilities.[sly]
Looks like the cat is gonna eat well!
[cool][#0000ff]Not sure I would want pick of the litter, if they REALLY got together. Can you imagine a cougar with a set of antlers?[/#0000ff]
I got that awhile back from Bearclaw if im not misstaken it came off his trailcam
[Sad]That deer isnt goiong to know what hit him nice pic.

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