03-20-2008, 07:51 PM
Okay, so i saw on the Fishing show when Roland was using a think he called Color Selector. Im sure some have heard of this. I thoght to myself..."hey, thats a neat idea"....it passed thru my head that day and I didnt think of it for a while. Here in CA, we just started getting Bass ProShops, but their about 6-9 hour drives for me. Anyways, I went to NC to visit my wifes family and had a chance to go to Bass Proshop there. As I strolled along picking up 300+ dollars worth of fishing stuff (yeah, you can guess it, my wife wasnt happy!
) I came across the Color C-lector then I remembered the show. Well, out of no where I just picked it up without thinking...
* This was during off seaons for Bass fishing (well, it wasnt full swing)
During the summer time in 07, I took my boat out and my friend was with me, I was excited to try out the color clector to see if it really works or not. I droped it in and it says to use the color, Chrome, Blue, and Neon Redish (orangeish look). I tell my friend and he picks out a Rapala Rattln Shad with the same color and throws it into the lake while Im putting on a color that I usually think works best, you know, when you hold a bait and just feel that the fish wants to bite it (shad color)...anyways, while Im tieing the knot on the crank bait, my friends first cast and he hooked up a bass! I hurry it up and tie it and thoss it in the lake..I thossed about 10 cast with no hooks while my friend with about 10-12 cast he hooked up 4 basses!! Im thinking, "can it be the color selector thing is working?!, nah, luck..." I change my lure to chrome and thoss it in....cast after cast...nothing while my friend is still hooking up Bass left and right. I copy his presentation but still no luck...that day, he was hooking up fishing left and right while I tried diffrent colors to see if I get any hits. I finally pull out the same color as his and I get a hit!
1 full year pass and I havent gone fishing, work had gotten piled up to my neck...I finally went again yesterday to Pine Flat. I get my underwater camera and I stick it down to the bottom and right away I see a Bass stearing at my camera. My wife yells "FISH FISH!" I get my trusty Brown/Green Frog mirco series Chatter bait and cast it in. My wife monitors my bait swim closer to the Bass but it just looks at it and not try to bit it nor was it erritated by it. I tried Plastic worms (brown and green tail tip, watermelon), Shad color Crank bait, Black Jig, White Spinner bait and the bass wasnt bothered by any of them. I thought, "wait! my color Clector!!" I pull it out and drop it to the dept of the Bass, color says Chartreuse color. I pull out my Chatter bait with Chartreuse and tie it on. I threw it into the lake and reeled it in. Right when I reached the Bass, it picked up the bait and slurped it in right away. My wife, sitting by the monitor watching all this yells "IT BIT IT BIT!! PULL IT!!" I felt the tug and I set the hook!
I got the Bass!! finally!! a ~6.5-7 LBS bass! Woohoo!
My conclusion is that I guess you can say the Color C-Lector helped out alot. Im sure its not the answer to everything, but its another gadet to help bring in more fish.
Anyways, I just thought I should share my experiance with you guys on the Color Selector. its a neat little toy.

* This was during off seaons for Bass fishing (well, it wasnt full swing)
During the summer time in 07, I took my boat out and my friend was with me, I was excited to try out the color clector to see if it really works or not. I droped it in and it says to use the color, Chrome, Blue, and Neon Redish (orangeish look). I tell my friend and he picks out a Rapala Rattln Shad with the same color and throws it into the lake while Im putting on a color that I usually think works best, you know, when you hold a bait and just feel that the fish wants to bite it (shad color)...anyways, while Im tieing the knot on the crank bait, my friends first cast and he hooked up a bass! I hurry it up and tie it and thoss it in the lake..I thossed about 10 cast with no hooks while my friend with about 10-12 cast he hooked up 4 basses!! Im thinking, "can it be the color selector thing is working?!, nah, luck..." I change my lure to chrome and thoss it in....cast after cast...nothing while my friend is still hooking up Bass left and right. I copy his presentation but still no luck...that day, he was hooking up fishing left and right while I tried diffrent colors to see if I get any hits. I finally pull out the same color as his and I get a hit!
1 full year pass and I havent gone fishing, work had gotten piled up to my neck...I finally went again yesterday to Pine Flat. I get my underwater camera and I stick it down to the bottom and right away I see a Bass stearing at my camera. My wife yells "FISH FISH!" I get my trusty Brown/Green Frog mirco series Chatter bait and cast it in. My wife monitors my bait swim closer to the Bass but it just looks at it and not try to bit it nor was it erritated by it. I tried Plastic worms (brown and green tail tip, watermelon), Shad color Crank bait, Black Jig, White Spinner bait and the bass wasnt bothered by any of them. I thought, "wait! my color Clector!!" I pull it out and drop it to the dept of the Bass, color says Chartreuse color. I pull out my Chatter bait with Chartreuse and tie it on. I threw it into the lake and reeled it in. Right when I reached the Bass, it picked up the bait and slurped it in right away. My wife, sitting by the monitor watching all this yells "IT BIT IT BIT!! PULL IT!!" I felt the tug and I set the hook!
I got the Bass!! finally!! a ~6.5-7 LBS bass! Woohoo!
My conclusion is that I guess you can say the Color C-Lector helped out alot. Im sure its not the answer to everything, but its another gadet to help bring in more fish.
Anyways, I just thought I should share my experiance with you guys on the Color Selector. its a neat little toy.