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Any body have any guesses for ice-off at the berry?
Just wondering when I should be planning fishing trips for.

thank you

not soon enough lol.

DWR says "Check ice for safety over the next week or so as ice off typically occurs in the next week or so. "

Hope that helps.
I hope it stays very iced over for the next few weeks. As i did not get to fish it last year at ice off do to work sending me out of town and I will be in CT next weekend so I am hoping that it is not until the following week .. hehehe
nothing to wrry about. a month at least.
Really? A month? That would be allright with me. Once Strawberry opens up does it break apart quick with the winds up there or does it take while?
I've never really paid attention to Strawberry untill this last fall. I'd like to be up there as soon as there is open water.
I was up there April 14th and the ice/snow depth was about 3' deep. I would think that a month is about right.
Once ice comes off, it comes off very quickly. Fished it April 14th last year....probably the first possible day to fish it. (some shore fisherman might have got some in and other at the ladders before that)

Ice started about 30 feet from the shore when we started in the early AM, by lunch it had peeled back probably 100 yards. 2 days later there was no ice left on the place.

I would say the second week of May you can fish up there....a little earlier at the Ladders.
30" of ice where we drilled last week. I would say a month seems right. From my fish journal in the last few years the first open water I fished was 5/9/03, 5/1/04 ,5/6/05, 5/6/06, 4/24/07. I usually try to make it within the first week or two of open water. This year will be mid to late may. June is always better for me tubbin!
May 21 er...
I'd say probably around June 15th or so. [shocked]
If it's June 15th then shoot me now because I won't make it anyway! I'd rather die quickly than a slow, painful, no fishing the Berry death.
lol...funny thing is that I can almost see you in pain as I read your post.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 2]i agree with you...[/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 2]i dont how much longer i can stand to wait.[/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 2]i just want to go NOW.[/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]a whole winter was long enough not to go fishing [/size][/font]
The reports have shown that the ice was extra thick this year, and the cold has lasted longer. Though we are finally in line for some 70 degree weather, it will still take a few weeks for the ice to thin out enough for ice off. I would say late May.
bottomwatcher got me thinking about when I have fished the Berry the last few years. The past few years I have been able to hit it when there was very limited open water. Each of these days occurred when there was still the majority of the lake frozen. I went and referenced my fishing log and this is what I was able to find.

2004- April 14
2005- May 2
2006- May 1
2007- April 14

I am guessing the 2nd or 3rd week of May this year. Does anyone remember a June ice off?
I can't imagine it ever being in June. By that time there is too much runoff raising the level of the lake. This would pull the ice away from the shores as the ice cap is smaller than the surface area of the lake.
I remember when I was a kid(yrs ago) and Utah fishing opening day was Memorial Day weekend. We couldn't fish the berry on the opening because it was still frozen. It might that type of year again. I hope not but maybe.
Wow....flashback. I had almost forgotten that Utah fishing once had a 'season'.
I'm going to guess that the ice will be off the Strawberry in about three weeks.
A buddy and I are hoping to go here soon, I have never been there, will be my first time. Any suggestions for where to go to fish from shore. My buddy has a small boat, but if the ice hasn't broken up yet we probably wouldn't be able to go out on it.

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