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What about this tube TD
You are the MASTER when it comes to tubes so, why hasn't this one been on the list?
[url ""][/url]

I read a comparison chart and this thing has Halkey Roberts valves which to me are the best, and Urethane Bladders at an incredible price. So, what's the story on this tube?

Here is the comparison chart:

[url ""][/url]
[cool][#0000ff]Whaddayamean "hasn't been on the list". We have had the Togiak in the shopping guide and have done several reviews of it over the years. It was formerly sold under "Trout Unlimited" label.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Both good and bad. Small pockets, and weak seams. Too many reports of seam failure. Don't like the vinyl bladders and wimpy valves either. I had one of the Kennebecs, made by the same manufacturer, and did not stay in it long.[/#0000ff]
I hear the valves are located in a bad spot, but the right up says they are Roberts Valves and URETHANE not vinyl.
[cool][#0000ff]I did not take the time to read the comparisons. You are right. Urethane and better valves. Not sure what you mean about the valves being in a "bad place". They used to be inside the pockets which is not a "good place". [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Might be a good lower price craft for some folks. And, with a rating of 350 pounds they could hold both you and Baxter....several times over.[/#0000ff]
What I am getting at, and maybe you can help. The Comparieson doesn't add up.

It says ROBERTS valves which it has these:

[inline Valve.jpg]

This is NOT a Roberts. Plus I have never seen this valve on a Urethane bladder, but you have seen way more boats then I have, so that is why I posted this question.
Is the ad a TYPO? Hummmmmm[crazy]
[cool][#0000ff]Ahhhhh. That is the valve that was on my Kennebec and I hated it. Popped loose at inopportune when I was fishing.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You are thinking of the "Halkey Roberts" valve, which has the positive lock pressure activated on the H3. Much better.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Not having actually seen the "urethane" bladders on the Togiak, I also might question their quality. All urethane is not created equal. 1 mil is not as good as 3 mil.[/#0000ff]
You just like it cause it is Yellow[cool][cool][cool]
Where can I find this "Shopping Guide" mentioned above. I am new to this whole thing and don't know diddly squat about fishing or float tubes and need all the help I can get.
I always assumed Halkey-Roberts was one company.
The Bullet tube I'm using for the last few years came with what were described as "Halkey-Roberts" Valves.
From their website:
[Image: view1.jpg]
The smaller backrest urethane tube bladder has the blue valve (above centre) which is supposed to be for oral filling. [Image: view2.jpg]

And the main urethane bladder comes with one of those black on the outside orange on the inside valves. (above left and centre)

I have not had any problems with either kind of valve from a reliability point of view, but if you are using an air pump, the blue type has those milled edges (like a coin) and if you are pushing on an adapter airtube air can leak through the tiny slots, extending the inflation time a bit. Not enough to be a problem, but if you had a choice the black-orange type fits our particular needs better.
If you are at Cabelas :
[url ""][/url]
Look for the compare float tubes link ... it places the specifications for the tubes they currently sell alongside each other in a handy way.
[cool][#0000ff]In addition to this main float tubing board, we also have a Picture Board (where the shopping guide is) and an Archive section.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][url ";category=66"]USE THIS LINK[/url] to click on any of the Float Tubing boards and then wander through the list of options.[/#0000ff]
Those togiak's are pretty popular around here lately. 3 or 4 of the local armada have them and are quite pleased.

Personally I have gotten quite used to being dry above the knees with either the ODC or * Cat series tubes.....
So now your spoiled is that it Dusty? But I hear ya it sure is nice to be dry when the water temps are cold!!

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