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I'm takeing the family down to powell wednesday and I have been thinking about useing a rig that we used to troll for salmon off the Oregon coast. We would use a two hook mooching rig hooking a herring in the lip with the front hook and back by the tail with the trailer hook puting a little bend in the body of the bait so it had a little action in the water. I was thinking of doeing the same thing with anchovies for stripers. Has any one used a rig like this for stripers or wipers. Any ideas????
Thanks in advance
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[cool]That can be a great rig to fish with downriggers when the stripers are cruising deep in the open water. The most active ones, however, are usually chasing bait back in the coves or off points.
If you don't have downriggers, those "dipsey divers" work okay too. I tried them after moving over from California, where I used to use them for salmon too.
You will also pick up some big walleyes on those, if fished deep near the bottom in 25 to 50 feet of water. I have also seen a few northerns taken on them in the spring.
I don't know if you have seen them, but they now have some plastic lipped rigs that you can put the herring/anchovy head into and they act like crankbaits...with a lot of wiggle. Otherwise, the trap hook setup, with a bend in the bait, works just fine.
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I haven't used any of those rigs but one time When I was there we would cook some sausage and put a chunk of it on the hook and the fish couldn't resist it. it works best when the meat is hot when you put it on.
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[size 2]The fishing situation at Powell is changing. There's fewer but bigger fish now and soaking anchovies isn't working as well. These fish want bigger, more aggressive baits. Look in the fertile water in the backs of canyons with inlets and cast cranks. Or speed troll to locate fish. Boils will start in a few months.[/size]
[size 2]Go to [/size][url ""][size 2][/size][/url][size 2] for Lake Powell fishing into. Read the Fishing Tips page for baits, presentations, etc. And don't forget the message board.[/size]