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Where I am in Utah Challenge
This one should be easy.

[inline easypeasy.jpg]
Bear Lake and if I am right I will let the game continue with Leaky33's picture.
Sounds good. Oh, and you are right.

My two cents, if someone posts a picture out of line the mods should delete it to lessen confusion. Maybe we should create a timeline after someone guesses the right answer they have x amount of days to respond. I know what happened last time I spoke up. I'm not trying to stir the pot, just trying to help you guys.
[quote fsh4fun05] Maybe we should create a timeline after someone guesses the right answer they have x amount of days to respond.[/quote]

We already have that in the rules:

[#bf0000]"If a day passes after a picture is guessed correctly and a new one has not been posted, anyone has the right to post the next picture."
Leaky33 please let us know if your location has been guessed correctly or not.
[quote fsh4fun05] My two cents, if someone posts a picture out of line the mods should delete it to lessen confusion. [/quote]

When I did that last time you sent me a PM questioning why I did it?[:/] I would have deleted them this time also had I been checking BFT rather than taking advantage of the cool weather[crazy] by repairing the siding on my house. I'll be back out there completing the job in a few minutes. Three days off from work and I didn't drown a single worm![frown]
I deleted the post so as not to "confuse" some folks so it's mute now. Just for the record, it was down the outlet of Blue Lake. [Smile]
P.S. was Bassrods invite wrong???
Leaky and theSpaarkinator
If you have a day to respond then Leaky should of ben next, it all happen on the 7/25 ...
Sorry Leaky if I was out of place....
It is open for anyone to post a picture.
I see the rules have changed, don't I look stupid.
"When I did that last time you sent me a PM questioning why I did it?[:/] "

I think you are mistaken, I sent no such pm.
[quote fsh4fun05] I see the rules have changed, don't I look stupid.[/quote]

Sorry, but that rule has been in there from day one. I copied it over from the rules that were in place for the Idaho contest.
[quote fsh4fun05] "When I did that last time you sent me a PM questioning why I did it?[:/] "

I think you are mistaken, I sent no such pm.[/quote]

If you didn't someone else logged on under your name, here is the PM:

[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=fsh4fun05"][#000000]fsh4fun05[/#000000][/url]
[Image: Striper%20Bass.gif]
[Image: 7894-user_icon-2.jpg]
Jul 18, 2008, 12:00 AM
[url ""][#212126]Delete[/#212126][/url] | [url ";keep=167734"][#212126]Keep[/#212126][/url] | [url ";quote=1;message=167734"][#212126]Quote[/#212126][/url] | [url ";message=167734"][#63626b]Reply[/#63626b][/url]
<no subject>
Was it really necessary to delete the posts in the where am I post?
Sorry I caused such a mess, I don't like to post if it causes any trouble so you can have your little game....
My bad, you're right I'm wrong. I didn't look far enough back into my messages to see that one but I think it was about something else...anyways, I have done more than enough damage here. I'll be moving on, sorry.
Don't worry Cliff, this ones on me [Wink].
[quote bassrods]Sorry I caused such a mess, I don't like to post if it causes any trouble so you can have your little game....[/quote]

This was your first reply on this thread:

"Been fishing some, so what is this post about???
Why such a small walleye?? I didn't know Utah lake had them that small... "

Based upon your reply "... so what is this post about???" you hadn't taken the time to read the entire thread to even know what was going on. Based upon your reply I let the game continue without you. Wow guys, I first tried to get everyone back on the same page by deleting a post by TubeDude and others replying to him because they were out of turn. I get chastised for doing that. I don't delete the next one that goes out of turn because I am working and not constantly monitoring what is going on. I get chastised for that. The reason for me starting this thread was to let the members have a little fun, and some of you have taken the whole thing way too seriously and have gotten bent out of shape over issues that frankly I don't consider that big of deal. If you want to take your ball and go home, then feel free to do so.
Hey Bud, hope you're not unhappy with me. [shocked] I for one I feel you're doing a good job, Kind of a thankless job sometimes, huh? Keep it up. If I get lucky and can identify a pic. I will and post legally. Sorry for the mix up Bud. [unimpressed]
Leaky and the Sparkinator
Don't know what the problem is, but no one o is posting a pic.?????? Can I go?
Leaky and the Sparkinator
No one has posted a picture in over a day, so it is open to the first one who wants to post one.
[inline "guess 2a.jpg"] Ok, I have some pic.s but I can't find the ones I want. Had to decide what to use, easy or hard? Since I probably won't earn my way on guessing pic.s I posted this as, hopefully a little hard. No hints. Ya have to be specific. I'LL give hints if necessary. Won't be on line for about 24 hrs., so bear with me.. [Smile] Yes, this is a fishing pic. [Smile]
Leaky and the Sparkinator

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