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Salmon run ???
Is everyone geared up for the salmon run ?

The big lakes have been hot for the last few weeks and if your watching the reports like I have been doing , they are getting closer to shore and the surface .
Night time pier fishing reports are a little sketchy because of all the crowds and comotion that arises because of the first guy to blab the information , so I'll just say it is picking up a bit "IF" your tosssing the right lure .

River fishing , hmmmm , I better shut my mouth about where the fish are at , don't wanna go over and have a couple dozen guys waiting at my hole when I get there .
Ready ? Ummm no not really. My salmon & steelhead tackle got hit pretty hard last year and needs some work. I've only tied 3 new flies this year and 2 of them got gobbled up by some smallies early spring.

It does sound like some fish are moving in a bit closer to the rivers. Havn't heard of anything actualy in the rivers yet though.

You don't have to tell everyone on here where your spot is. Just send me a PM and I'll meet you there. This upcomming weekend is going to be a bust for me but I plan on doing some "Salmon Scouting" next weekend (Aug 23-24) Let me know.

I need to pick up sum more trebbles and a new ball of yarn. and a new spool of line wouldnt hurt either....

still have plenty of sinkers...
if do any salmon this year "doubtfull", I will wait till they come inland a bit....
Sounds like a plan .
You are done waiting , right [Image: bobwink.gif] [fishin].
That's my way of saying they are in , my buddy just stopped by to show me the 20# king he just cought .
I went to pick up another tractor part and it looks like the water pump is going, "leaky"[Image: scaredworried.gif] and yet another item makes it to the head of the to do list....
I have check my area and nothing is moving around yet, my area is Muskegon River and surrounding areas like the White, and by saying nothing moving around means that though i may see a fish it means no more than me seeing one in June in the same rivers. I am totally not ready for this years run as of yet, but tomorrow i will go and restock.
Last year i was still pulling fish out of the White river in October even some fresh run, though most were turning.
I will be taking a month off work and camp at Pines Point near Hesperia and granted that is a decent spot it is not the best spot [Wink]
I try to make it to Hespiria at least once a year for the salmon. There is a nice hole just after the first bend near the dam.
are ya going to be fishing off he handy camp peir at the dam on the west side this year?
i have literally been swimming in the muskegon river the last week straight (water is very warm still) and though saw one i thought was a jack turned out to just be a huge bass, even swam in the nice 12 ft hole they like to stage in before going further, nothing not one salmon, so i guess going to have to watch and see what goes by at night, i will keep all posted and let you know what my night of river watching produces

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