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[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]I read the recent FLN article on the Arizona State record walleye and the man that caught it. He has some superstitions/habits like putting a penny in his shoe. So I was wondering how many of us here have things/habits which seem to bring in more or bigger fish? [/#000000][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]I personally cannot stand fishing for an instant without my special fishing hat [frown]. I also always think that if I do not dream about catching many or bigger fish I will not actuall catch them. And one more thing, if I happen to forget something before heading out for a fishing trip I think that I will have an unproductive fishing time.[/#000000][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]So what are yours? [fishin][/#000000][/font]
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You always get a bite or catch a fish on your "last" cast..
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I have to have my fishin hat and if I catch a fish on the first cast, might as well call it a day
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[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]That is a bit funny. I am always amazed by non-fisherfolk who do not appreciate the time we spend organizing and planning the equipment and trips. They just throw and roll the tackle boxes and whatnot. So to me too, when that happens I might as well quit too. [mad][/#000000][/font]
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First cast, more than last for me and my Wife
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I don't think I have any good luck stuff to rely on...yet. Maybe if I get a decent catch, one day, I'll try to remember everything I had with me or what I was doing "different"
I tend to wear Eeyore shirts, every time I go out. Then again, 90% of my shirts have Eeyore on them anyway! Maybe I ought to try wearing a plain one, and see how that goes?
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Please pardon me but what is an Eeyore shirt?
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[quote line_dangler]Please pardon me but what is an Eeyore shirt?[/quote]
Look at Vivid-Dawns avatar, Eeyore the donkey from Winnie the Pooh cartoons.
Bryce Lowder
I do what the voices in my wife's head tell me to.
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That's what I am talking about! A man that doesn't know who Eore (sp) is a beautiful thing!
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[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]A person can't ever keep up with all the cartoons they come up with I tell you what. But I see now, although I have never seen a donkey sit like that. [laugh][/#000000][/font]
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Ya never heard of Winnie The Pooh books, by A. A. Milne? I thought they were a classic...been around since 1930, after all.
Anyhoo, back on topic
I have gotten a fishing hat that looks just like my dad's. Maybe I'll see if that works, too! (if I ever go again this year)
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i have a DCU (dessert camoflauge uniform) boonie hat that was issued to me on 9/10/2001 while i was in kuwait. needless to say i saterted wearing it that day and on. every time i have gone to the dessert, excpet this time (we have new uniforms now) i wore that hat. i have never washed. it has my blood, other peoples blood, fish blood.... you name it, its probably smeared on that hat. i will never wash it because i think flies arfe some how lucky. anyway thats the one thing i always fish with. i wouldent go as fasr as calling it a good luck charm. right now it is sitting on a hat stand at the old mans house in colorado beggjng for may to roll around so i can come home and do some fishing.
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[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]I didn't know these books you speak of are that old. My favorite cartoon to this day is the Pink Panther.[/#000000][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]Isn't that hat getting real heavy then? [  ][/#000000][/font]
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that hat has been in the atlantic, pacific, indian ocean's, the sea of japan, the yellow sea, d\almost every major "deam stream" in the western U.S. several big lakes (powell, blue mesa CO, Taylor Park CO, eleven mile CO, Sanchez Res CO) East, Echo, PV, the narrows... man pretty much every where i have had the oppertunity to fish. when 9/11 happened, like i said i was in kuwait. i remember sitting down and writing out how pissed off i was on the inside of it. though time, sweat, and blodd has all but taken away every visible line of text, you cans till see where i wrote stuff down. there is only one thing i would ever consider trading that hat away for, and thats time to fish with Trout_Slayer and our old man. as a matter of fact, i was wearing that hat the day i got the email that TS and his now wife got married ( i introduced them to each other). that hat has been to more countries then 99% of the kids i graduated high school with have been to! if the god lord doesent see it fit that i have a family of my own im going to make sure little Sierra knows what that hat means to me and i will pass ot down to her. so in all yes i believe you are correct, that hat is getting a little heavy. though the blood and sweat isent whats weighing it down, its all of the memories i have had with it. if it were a woman i would have married it yars ago. simple reasons, it likes to go fishing with me, it doesent care how many beers i drink or what time i come home, nor does it care how bad i stink after spending a day out on the water, and it never complains about the heat or how cold it is!
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You have truely earned my respect. 'nuff said.
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[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]Well, I have to say that I am very impressed. You certainly are finding a way to live your life to the fullest while serving your country. You know, now that I know so much about the hat it really is something to cherich and preserve. Think of all the stories you could tell to your family about it one day. I am sure your kids and grandkids would love to have it and save it. Take good care of her.[/#000000][/font]
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Back to superstitions, only mine are absolute facts.[  ]
1. NEVER wear your fishing hat except when fishing. When you're done, put on a non-fishing hat!
2. Fish-on on the first cast or first-drop is very bad luck for the rest of the day.
3. NO BANANNAS ON THE BOAT! Charter captains in Florida and elsewhere will make customers paying over $1,000 get off the boat if they have them. I learned the hard way, so I now will too! (boat fires, disappearing fish, equipment malfunctions, etc)
4. "One more cast" means enough casts to catch one more fish.
End the day with a fish-on, and the next day will start with a fish-on on the second cast. (Not the first, see #2 above!)
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[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]Now that's something. Good times. Keep on fishing and gettin them big'uns. [  ] [fishin][/#000000][/font]