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Line recommendation
Hi everybody. Nice forum. Can someone please advise me on a fishing line? I'm looking for ONLY monofilament 40-50lb, about 300 yards as THIN as possible but a nice quality and strong. Line that won't give kinks. Preferably name brand. I don't mind to pay a little extra for a good quality. What's good out there?Please give names and models and links if possible. Thanks a lot you will be doing me a HUGE favor!
Well my first thought was power-pro but you said only Mono. So I have to recommend Ande Line I consider it the standard for a big pound test.

Tight lines
The only monofilament line that you can get that is as thin as possible for the weight you described would be an IGFA rated line. It is made to exact standards. It also costs a pretty penny.

If you are not worried about line stretch you can also go with some Ande or Yozuri. Those are easy enough to Google. I would put a link up here but some links lead to other sites with forums. That is a no-go here.

As with any line out there, kinks are just a by result of how the line is handled. Cheaper lines will kink more often than better quality lines.

Your best bet would be to go with a braided line. Power Pro is on my list of recommended lines to use. You can always tie a leader on the end of it if you really need the mono.

You can get some good lines at Cabelas. They carry one in specific that is exceptional on strength with low stretch.
Saltstriker line is one that will come in the size you need. It is a co polymer line and is really good.

I would recommend the Silver Thread Excalibur but it doesn't come in the size you need.

What are you fishing for with 40 to 50lb test? That must be some big fish you are after.[cool]
Thanks for advise everybody. It's not for me actually, it's for my dad. I don't know much about fishing so I go by what he asked. He knows about braided lines but he said no, he needs old school mono. He's fishing for carp and catches pretty big and fiesty 20lb ones. His 25Lb Berklly breaks so he said 40-50Lb. He is experienced fisher that caught a lot of fish in his life so I won't question, nor can question his expertise.
What is Power Pro Microfilament? What is Microfilament anyway? Doest it feel exactly like Monofilament? I never see it in stores so I can't see for myself. This fishing stuff is more complicated than I thoughtSmile When I was a kid I would just fish with simple bamboo rod and cheapest line and a hook and catch small fish and be happy. I never cared for anything moreSmile

P.S. My dad said his old line might have dried up and he will try a new 25Lb line, maybe it won't brake. We shall see.
Power Pro is what's called a super line. It is a line is a solid color. It is a bunch of continuous strands of some super fiber. It has 3X the strength as mono. which means the 30ld test has the same thickness as 10lb test mono. It has no stretch even at 300ft plus so when you set the hook the hook moves instantly. It is pricey to buy but it lasts for a really long time because it doesn't rot in the saltwater or sun. I use with a 30lb mono leader.

And Fishing isn't that complex you just have to wade through all the sales pitches and gimmicks to find the good stuff worth using. ( 98% of the tackle sold is sold to catch fisherman)
If the 25lb test breaks on a 20lb fish then there could be a problem.

Either the line is old or the drag is not set correctly. You may want to check into this.

I am always fishing line that is much smaller than the weight of the fish. I don't get my line broke when I set the drag properly.

Check it out and see.[cool]
I know this is a couple of weeks out but don't get on here much. Anyway, I would agree with the drag setting and maybe the age of the line. It can get deteriorated just sitting on the spool not even on the reel. If you want to change line brands I would recommend Ande either the Premium or IGFA. A little more expensive than others but excellent line. I have used it in both salt and fresh water and have no complaints.

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