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wooden Kayak
I just purchases a birch wood kayak, it is 17' and weighs approx. 40lbs. unfortunately it was refinished in paint instead of the natural wood grain. Is there a way to find out who made it or how old it is. The only info I have is it belonged to an older gent. that had died before he got his boat back. It had laid around a garage for some yrs. now I am the new owner. Any info on dating and naming this boat will be appreciated. I will post a pic when my camera feels like working.
With some good detailed pictures, I may be able to help with an ID or be able to forward them on to a friend of mine that knows the only few wood kayak manufactures in Cali.[cool]
Sounds like a privately made kayak and not a manufactured one.
I don't know of any manufactures who would use birch wood or paint on the upper deck. Most use more expensive tropical marine wood, and want it to be seen. It is possible that after some time it was painted by the owner to cut down on maintainence.
No matter what it sounds like a nice lite kayak that should give you lots of pleasure. At 43lbs it sounds like it was made of 3mm and does not have much resin or glass cloth on it, probably just the seams taped and the rest epoxy to wood.
Thanks for the info guys I will try and post pics when I get a new camera. I did find a Co. that used birch for their boats I am probably spelling this wrong but here goes Miriachi or something close to it. However all the boats they had pics of were very impressive, nothing even close to the same design as the one I have.
In order to impress someone enough to pay the high price of a nice wooded kayak they have to be beautiful as well as functional to sell them at a profit over the work it takes to build.
When an owner builds one, they can be beautiful, but more likely will be functional and not have the joinery and finish of a manufatured boat. Not the first one anyway.

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