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Best ice cleat, try it!
I studded my boots and it works great. I screw in cup holders and clip off the excess. I keep them in year round since I often encounter slick footing when hunting. One small box of cup holders lasts for years. Inexpensive and I never forget to pack them! They do occassionally fall out but are easy to replace.
Great idea Crawler, where do you buy the cup holders and studs?
Curt you can pick them up at Lowes or Home depot in the small hareware area. many diffrent sizes and lengths
Wow what a great idea . Inexpensive and easy to do you are a genius!!![Wink]
Great idea! i ALSO HAVE A GOOD FIX-IT FOR SLIPPERY ICE AND CONDITIONS. tAKE 1/4"(stupid caps lock!) sheet metal screws and put them in about 8 or 10 cletes of my boots. They aren't long enough to hit your feet and the heads on them grab really well. I wish i would have had them in at pineview last year.[pirate]
cool idea. i bet ya don't wear them in the house. lmao [cool]
Thanks Mark, I'll look for them the next time I'm there. I had no idea they would carry them at Lowes, I was thinking sporting goods store[laugh].

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