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Is there anyway we can add a feature to the website? What I mean is, when someone adds a picture to a post is there anyway there can be an additional icon next to their post, so before you even open it up you know that there were pictures added. As much as I enjoy reading everyones post there are some places that people go and report about that I will never go to but I still enjoy reading their post about it, but I find myself not reading those anymore because I know I will never go to that place. Now I think if there was an icon next to the post showing a picture added it would "jive my turkey" a little more to open the post and take a gander if you know what I mean. Just a question/suggestion. I know you probably are not the one that takes care of that, but I thought I would start with you.
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[cool][#0000ff]Are you asking for a symbol beside the one line listing of the post...indicating there are pictures attached? Just so you can save a couple of seconds by not opening the post if it doesn't have pictures?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It may be possible, but our programmers and techies have a lot more critical issues they deal with on a daily basis...than making life easier for one or two members who prefer to be selective on what they open. Not to say that your request will be ignored or that it won't ever be done. But, I have been active on this website for several years and to my knowledge that is the first time ANYBODY has ever made such a request. Not likely to be a high priority.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You might try sending your request to our new president. He is rockin' and rollin'. And, you know what they say: "If you want to get something done, give it to a busy person."[/#0000ff]
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Hey man, you're not alone. I have thought about this for a while too. I hate scrolling through long novels and then seeing that there are no pictures to go with the report. It would be nice to see if there are pics attached to the post before opening it. Many times I don't have 5 hours to read every post and I like to just see if there are pictures attached.
You could just put a little camera icon next to post or you could even have the system automatically add an icon when any attachment is detected on the post. Not a huge deal, but it would be kind of nice.
As they say "A picture is worth 1000 words" [cool]
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Very nice. I agree that would be a nice thing to have added to the website. I also think it would make people more likely to add photos to get people to check out there post!
I think it's a great idea.
p.s. feel free to use my user name as a supporter, if you want, when letting the "high ups" know about your idea!
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In essence, this feature already exists. There are 9 graphics or icons that you can choose to put into your post. All we have to do is decide which icon we want to represent pictures. Then, communicate to everyone, that this is the case. Maybe the newspaper icon will do. There is usually photographs in the newspaper. Who knows, but as a programmer guy myself.. I know this is a request that would never make it through the development process.
Instead, we can simply choose an icon, and stick with that. Maybe put a sticky at the top to make sure people catch on.
Although it involves some user input, it's better than nothing.
So, I say put the newspaper icon on your post if you have pictures. Don't use it for anything else. Or, maybe that little green bug.. Nobody ever uses that.. It makes no sense.. what's a green bug doing on a fishing site?
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I like the idea of the bug!
[inline IceCrystalsOnYuba.JPG]
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I like the idea of HookJaws with the camera icon. You are right though, people do have the option to use a different icon (green bug) but that was stated a few years back that the ! sign was for posts' and I am seeing it used in different ways.
Yes, I would like it so I dont have to open the post. AGAIN, reason being is because I know I will never fish at the place some people post about, but it would be nice to see a few pictures, because you never know, maybe someone will catch something that catches my eye and I will venture down to this certain location. Just putting up a post 7-miles long and no pictures doesnt do me any justice, especially when you say that you caught a 33" Perch!! ] Proof is in the Puddin'.........errrrrrr Picture!!!
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yup, I remember the ! icon being reserved for reports.. to not much avail.
I see other people every now and then use the Newspaper icon. But never the green bug. It's worth a shot to petition one of the moderators to see if they will put up a sticky about it.
Then, when someone posts up pics and they didn't have the green bug, you can politely (I know this isn't common for you[cool] ) remind them that we are trying to put the green bug on posts w/ pics. Or maybe a moderator can put the bug in for them.
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I was just thinking about this the other day as well. In my email I can see a paper clip and that way I know that there is an attachment of some kind.
For me, I really don't have time to read all of the posts. Mostly I am looking for reports on places I am currently interested in. Right now that is Strawberry, pineview and causey. Last month it was different. I like to see pictures of any place. So I will usually look at posts by tube dude because he usually posts pics.
At any rate, it would be a nice feature.
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The other forums i am on have a paper clip showing a pic was attached
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Woah! What gives? Don't forget that it's the members that make this what it is, what makes it better. I know you have been a member for a long time but don't let it go to your head. Sometimes I drop in for a quick look at pics and read the post later that night. No hard feelings, but that was a little harsh towards trout_slayer.
TS-We could use one of the existing icons to symbolize that there are pictures in the post. Like mentioned, the green bug would work. The problem would be spreading the word. I'm sure if this practice was used that people would catch on. I myself think it's a good idea, alot of times (especially during ice season) I won't even read the reports just look at the pics.
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[cool] [#0000ff]I do not set policy nor make decisions. I can only pass along ideas from others.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We have gotten along fine without it. I am sure some would like it...along with no moderating, plenty of profanity, personal attacks, unlimited posting of improper pictures etc.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The system works fine. It ain't broke. For those who are too "overworked" to take the time to review all the posts...TOO BAD. DEAL WITH IT.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you want a forum with a lot of posts with fishing reports and good nonhostile discussion, stick around. If you want something else, look elsewhere.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We relaxed the requirements for sizing pictures. Now nobody with dialup can see the pictures anyway. Everybody is posting large file pics.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]And, unless BFT were to implement an automatic icon, to indicate attachments, no other system will work. Too difficult to get the majority to conform to any polite requests...much less requirements. Nobody is going to add an icon whenever they post pics. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It can be done. Should it? Not my decision. I have never had any complaints.[/#0000ff]
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Wow didnt know a little green bug could stir up some much drama maybe its the bad weather [img]../../../images/gforum/  .gif[/img][img]../../../images/gforum/  .gif[/img][img]../../../images/gforum/  .gif[/img]
Green bug or not this board has been a wealth of knowledge to my family & I. The reports posted here have improved my fishing enjoyment 10 fold. Tudedude, FG & the the other mod's have been great. Cut tudedude him some slack it may seem like a easy fix why fix whats not broken
If anything he & the mod's should get a round of applause. [cool][cool][cool]
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No doubt they are busy, hats off to them. I'm not doubting the excellent job the Utah moderators are doing.
I'm not trying to change the board in to something else, that is not my place. I love BFT and I value the opinions of the members who make this site what it is. I value your opinion and appreciate your reply.
It's just a green bug (or whatever image it may be) indicating pics, nothing more, nothing less. I understand that this would be difficult at first to all members but it is just a suggestion, that's all.
TD-Why fix what's not broken??? If that were true this message would be sent on horseback [  ]. (That post has been deleted)
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The "Green Bug" idea is a good suggestion, but it's not always going to work. People will forget to add the icon or they won't know about it. Passing the word will take a while and there will always be new members that wont add it.
The best bet would be an automatic icon when attachments are added.
Don't get me wrong, I love the site and a lot of people have worked a lot of hours making it what it is. I prefer this site and the functions of it, more than any other. There is always room for improvement however.
Lets Get R Done [  ]
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[cool][#0000ff]Apparently this is something that appeals to the general membership. I can also see some merit in having an easy identifier beside each post listing, symbolizing that there are, documents, videos, etc.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I just finished posting a request on the Moderators Board, to solicit input from other moderators and to get admin to reply as well.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My suggestion was to make it something "automatic" the little paperclip symbol on an email. It would be impossible to get everybody to use one of the symbols that are already available to us. We have a continuous flow of newbies to the board and many of the regulars are "computer UNfriendly". Tough enough to get some folks to even post pictures...or post them correctly...without putting another speed bump in front of them.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We may get a response on this board, since I posted a link to this discussion on the Mod board. If not, I will let everybody know what the response is.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Patience folks
EDIT...UPDATE: theangler (BFT owner) agreed that it might be a good idea. However, due to a temporary staffing situation there is probably not going to be anything done for awhile. [/#0000ff]
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Good idea! But we can always put "pics" along our grand "blog title" or whatever you call it. I've done that.
If we post bikini gals though........
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I was just over on and noticed they have the paper clip for pics also
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[quote fshslyer36]I was just over on and noticed they have the paper clip for pics also[/quote]
kff does'nt have a paper clip if there is a pic in post its the same as here you hae to go into the post to findout there is a pic there. Be thankful for what you got here when making a report on bft you can load your pic right into your post, on other sites you have to copy the url from a host.
Awhile ago the mods tried to get the members to put the ! on the post title so we all knew it was a report, there where a few that followed this but not many and then everyone just forgot all togeather.
Give the mods and admins some credit there is much more to keeping a forum running smoothly then what the general membership see's