You know ctizzfishin, it takes a big person to say what you just said, and I truly appreciate it,
I guess by now every one knows I am a trophy fisherman and I truly love my sport, and I also know that if we don't put back, it wouldn't last. but to keep one here and the there is okay if you want to eat it or mount it you caught it and if it is legal then fine , but also we the sportsman have to be responsible for are own sport also we are the caretaker of it, and yes if we want to have a trophy fishery then yes we do need to put back also,
but that goes for everyone not just with the big fish but everyone need to think about, Do I need to catch a full limit. or should I live some for next time, well I won't eat that many anyway,???
And yes C&P&R works , C&R, works slot limit works,all the tools work if used properly, but I think we still are the care takers of are sport so everyone should try to under stand what it all means,
(What did the old trapper use to do, selective harvest, )
because if they would have keep every pelt, they would not have a job the next year, so they left plenty to breed for the next season, well I think what I'm saying is I being a trophy fisherman that I would be the one that would most rely on releasing as many as I can, but I also know that if a fish is getting to old or is looking bad and is not going to make it then it is going home with me or how ever I may be guiding that day, so I think you can have your cake and eat it to, but we do all have to give back,
and as far as the Kokanee up at the gorge they don't serve as good as the trout dose so when people try to release the kokanee most of them are going to dyeing anyway ,
So it comes down to what i've been saying the kokanee are great to eat, just don't fill your hole freezer with kokanee. and if we save a few on the 4th year or so we will have a lot of monster kokanee,[

So every one need to take a deep breath and say that makes sense , how dose it go, Lets dry are eyes and go catch some darn big fish?// [

And remember that the DWR can only do so much ,[crazy][mad]
Please no more regulations !!!!! just enforce what you have already.[

PS. Trophy fishing is there for every one to learn!!!! [

Also I stuck this one last year and it is going on my wall,
So I can bow and pray to the fish god some more .[:p]