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Not sure what I want to hit on Tues. Does anyone know about the ice conditions on Starvation?
On the other hand, does starvation even freeze up? Can I take snowmobile on it.
Does it have a boat ramp?
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My buddy was up there this weekend and he told me that he went to Pelican instead. I don't expect you to understand but for this guy to back out on something is, well...I don't know what to say. If my buddy, Jacob, backs out on something you can bet your butt it is waaay too dangerous. I love him like a brother but the dude has no fear.
Hopefully he took some pics of the ice at Starvation. I'm going to be up that way next weekend.
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I would not recommend Starvation Res right now. There is a lot of open water in the main body of the lake and the edges in the bays are soft. It has frozen over this year but never did get very solid across the entire lake. The bays were fishable. There is a very well developed cement boat ramp, campground, fish cleaning station etc..
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Just found out Im goin out to that area. Saturday. Is the ice in the bays really that bad?
how about knight hollow I still want to go for an evening ice fish. I will have a 4-wheeler I hope that it can be used on the ice back their.
If not their, is always other places out their that I can catch some fish. I just really want to catch some walleye and perch through the ice this year it is a personal goal.
If you figure out the conditions or already know them for knights we could meet up and do some damage.
any one else who has info or wants to fish please keep posting on this thread I dont want to start a new one but would love the info.
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Don't put your wheeler on the ice at Starvation. I'd be careful putting your body on the ice. It's going to be warm this weekend and the rocks on the shoreline will heat up from the sun and make the edges softer. I'll be up there this weekend but you won't see me on the ice.
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Hey FOD and others, I did a drive by to checked the conditions at Starvation. I went to Knight Hollow first and it looks to be pretty well iced over still (see attached photos) The edges on the south side look good. I then drove over to Indian Bay expecting most of the ice to be gone and I was right. There is alot of open water in the main lake out from Indian Bay across to Rabbit Gulch. The ice in the bay is breaking up. Then I drove to the dam and could see three anglers on the ice off the point northeast of the water treatment plant. There is a alot of open water along the ledges on the north side of the lake out from the main boat ramp and developed campgrounds. I would of taken more pictures but my batteries died on me. But from what I saw today, I would say there is fishable Ice in Knight Hollow south to about the dam. All other areas looked pretty sketchy. Be very careful out there. I think I'll play it safe and fish somewhere else tomorrow.
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DUDE YOU DA MAN!! Thank you very much for the pics. I might have to stay away also. That open water makes me feel uneasy. looks like the water has risen a lot I might go over to sandwash Probably safe their. TOO BAD about starvation ice.
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I checked out knights hollow yesterday evening and its gettin more open where the water is coming in. I didnt dare go out on the ice. water is on the rise!! and the ice is getting scarce on the whole res. This warm weather is getting me excited.[fishon]
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Yeh, I like ice fishing but this warm weather is making me ready for some open water fishing and getting out on the lake in a boat.