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Willard Ice
I noticed on the camera that the ice shifted quite a bit. It is up to the inlet of the N. Marina and there was two boats in the marina but 5 trailers in the parking lot. Hope them guys get off the water/ice fine!!! Wish they would have read the weather report before going, reason for the high temps is because of the high southern winds (ice shift)!!! Hope to see some reports when they get back!!!
Got on the camera again and noticed a boat kind of trapped there at the Eagle Beach area, they must have "floored" it and busted through the ice, watched them make it back to the marina, hope their Hull is okay!!!
This kind of stiff wind will really stack up the ice against the north dike.
I noticed there is a boat that has either run aground at the Eagle Beach area or the ice just pushed it into shore.
I watched the Warden Boat go out and jerk them guys outta the mud that were stuck. Looks like all is good!!!
Wow that could have been serious, btw nice camera control
I actually called them to.I was watching the ice and spoted the boat.they said someone called it in a few minutes before I did. there lucky some one was watching the camera.[Wink]
the ice is plying up on the north shore pretty good.
Looks like reelfast is trolling the marina right now to and WH2 was in the parking lot.
hey can you send me the link to the camera. thanks[Smile]
[url ""][/url]

Welcome to BFT
thanks . new on the computer /long time in the water
thanks for the link too. sure is nice checking out some older stomping grounds TS and i used to stalk at 1030pm in germany!
Hey my pleasure, enjoy a little taste of home
Yea we were there. The boat towed in had a dead engine and went aground. The glass boat was ok. The glass got through it but it broke the transducer and barked up his prop trying to get the other boat out of the shallows.
We were not trolling just scanning the area with the side imaging. There is what appears to be a school of fish in that corner where we anchored up and fished. I don't want to say the c word but that is what they looked like to me. The side imaging is an interesting feature I am still learning to use. The right side is working better than the left so i am going to try moving the transducer from the unit on the stern away from the side imaging unit. I have an extra sd card for it and hope to eventually take some screen shots to share.
The ice was really moving along. The sheet was at one point visibly moving and looked like it was going to all pile up and go away. But it didn't. That is some tough ice but I think the wind will wipe it out by Monday. Then we can put this winter behind us and go catch some fish from our boats.
Yea I saw you waiting it out but it wouldn't get lost[Wink]
I also seen you at the boat show but didn't say hello because I didn't think you remebered me?
Hi Reelfast. I have a question for you. I was chillin' out at one of the pavilions cooking some tinfoil dinners for my kids and wife and was watching you cruise around the marina area. (you probably noticed my kids wandering around and trying to skip some rocks at the waters edge).
My questions is this, I could tell you were surveying the area and getting a good look at the bottom and such and I am curious what the average depth of the marina is right now. I've been watching the water rise for weeks now and want to know in total feet how much its come up.

Last fall you could walk through the marina and not get wet above your knees.

(P.S.) I was watching the stranded boat drama too and thinking what a knucklehead to go outside the marina with that old of a boat when the ice pack is moving north at a steady clip..... I imagine the state park rescue guys had some choice words for them.
I really wanted to let those ponies loose in back but had to hang on. I had changed oil as well as greased every thing and found my reverse bucket was dropping to easy so it is back to making adjustments. Have to add some friction where the grease had removed it. The marina is mostly 7-9 feet deep except for a hump between the docks and the main channel. The main channel out to the ice was 14 feet deep. It will be hard to fish from shore in most places because there are a lot of tumble weeds sunk around shore. If the lake fills i would expect about 25 feet in the marina. i would love to see it full.
I guess I know who I will be following the day of tourney[Wink] I bet you cant wait to get out on the bay and find them wiper schools. That is one bad boat you have.I knew it was you because I almost ran into you on the last tourney.full reverse got me out of trouble if you remember theclose call.I was watching the poles and looked up there you where. I'll just be behind you this year so no worries.[fishin]
Hey Tony, I was with Reelfast at the Expo but did not see you. Where were you when you saw RF? Here are some pictures I took today at Willard. The ice that was stacked up right outside the channel was close to 5ft high.
[inline "willard03-21-09 00000.JPG"]
I keep forgetting about these cameras. It's nice to see whats going on in Utah live. I am ready to get back. I've got my wife sending me my rod but I'll need to buy some tackle. She didn't want to take the covers off the boat and dig through it to find what I wanted.

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