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Hi guys and girls,
After 3 1/2 hours of brain surgery to remove a tumor from the edge of my cerebellum I'm out of the hospital and back at home. I have some mild discomfort and cannot put any strain on anything yet but the surgeon thought I was doing well enough to send me home yesteday after only one day in ICU and one day in the step-down unit.
I'm on strict rest for the next four weeks at least. I'll take it easy, not work, and make sure everything heals up OK. I have not yet heard the pathology report on the tumor but it is most likely renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer) that has metastasized. There was only one spot in my brain that showed on the scans.
I used to often say, "Well, at least it isn't brain surgery." I can't say that anymore.
I'm looking forward to catching up with the forum in the coming weeks, though I'll be movin' rather slow.
Thanks to all of you who wrote, prayed, and commented so kindly.
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[cool][#0000ff]Extremely glad for the initial optimistic report. Hope the rest is even better.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Okay, you got the brain surgery out of the way. Now you can go for "rocket science". Even better, maybe you can go for some fishing. You are overdue.[/#0000ff]
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The fact you are home should be taken as a positive sign.
Time out to rest ,recuperate and get better.
The fishing weather is improving slowly but it's still early.
With good luck the trouting season will arrive at the same time as your capacity returns to get some fishing in.
All the best Z~
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Thanks to all of you for responding. This is a nasty disease but it isn't uncommon. Many have it far worse than I do at the moment. Changes your perspective a bit. Yes it does. Reminds you of your certain mortality. But that isn't all bad. I'm just grateful I can look forward to some recovery and perhaps some fishing again. None of my float tubes has had any air for too long.
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this is a great loss to this board and to all who knew ZONKER the man.. as for me I only knew him thru this board and always found him to be a very warm and giving person.. always willing to help and offer suggestions to questions posed by new users like me..
please pass on to his wife that she and her family are in my thoughts and prayers..
MacFly [cool]
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[cool][#0000ff]Thanks for letting us know.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Like yourself, I had developed a more personal cyber-friendship with Zonker over the years. I too feel a great personal loss. But, I can also see the merciful side. I doubt that I would want to continue a life of pain and doubt...not being able to pursue the things I loved in fishing.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We all lost a friend but most of us are better for the contributions and insights he shared with us.[/#0000ff]
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It's amazing that one of the last things Dave did before he was taken was to start this thread on our tubing forum.
God Bless,
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Thanks for letting us know.
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Thanks for letting us know and his family will be in my prayers. It is amazing how we grow attatched to peoples personalities and what they can share of their lives on the internet.
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Thanks for letting us know. My prayers go out to his family.
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Dave had planned to go fishing on Monday but he never made it. I got out today and caught some nice rainbows on "zonker" streamers.
God Bless,
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I just now read the thread.
The other day I recieved an email from Zonker thanking me for my prayers. We never know and sometimes don't understand Our Fathers will for and in our lives, but I believe I can say that Zonker's testimony for Our Lord Jesus through this very difficult time has proven that he finished well the race that was before him.
I will now be praying for his family friends and congregation and for those who don't know this Jesus whom Zonker loved and served. Hoping that with the testimony of Jesus in Zonkers life that they will desire to know Jesus and recieve the greatest gift of all Salvation.
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Zonker will definitely be missed by those of us on this site. I too will have his family in friends in my thoughts and prayers.
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That is unfortunate that we have lost our Uncle Z. His legend will live on in our hearts.
He will be truly missed but not forgotten.[:/]