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991lb hammerhead shark.... largest fish ever?
is that world record 991 hammerhead shark the biggest fish ever caught on tackle and reeled in by a man?

Just wondering.
No, not even
Does anyone know the largest fish species ever landed with a rod and reel (no nets no cages no mechanical devices) by a human?

I would really like to know.
Probably a White Shark well over 1500 lbs. Probably go to IFGA, but they have pretty strike rules of no letting another person touch your rod or reel and much more.
I have searched google and can't find a catch that is verified...

can you give me a link?

thanks man ... Im just really curious to know who brought in the biggest fish with a rod n reel...
yea thats what I'm talking about man ... who had hooked the largest fish on a rod and reel and brought it in, with no help... just his tackle and line and his dexterity...

I can't find it.
It was caught during the years that Jaws movie was around.
Check this out [url ""][/url]
Also some Marlin [url ""][/url]
Bluefin Tuna
[url ""][/url]
3,000 lbs!!!!!! on a rod and reel???? OMG that's almost unimaginable...

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