04-21-2009, 12:11 PM
[cool][#4040ff]BFTer WeekendWarrior is an admitted troutaholic. But, he is beginning his 12 cast program to taper off. We started today with an introductory course on cat-ology.
We launched to nice calm conditions, no bugs yet and 54 degree water about 7 AM. Started tossing plastics and cranks while dragging a minnow. Only a couple of small whacks (whities) for about the first hour. Then a whole bunch happened all in a hurry. [/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]First, WW hooked into a monster and battled it to his tube. Since it was that awful gold color, with big scales and no teeth, he elected to provide a hasty gillectomy and released it unharmed.[/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]Then my bait rod jiggled and the line popped out of the catch...and went zinging out through the guides. BENDO. First kitty of the morning. Measured out about 25 inches and was sent swimming (without surgery). As I was getting the kitty to
for the camera, WW wailed that he was heading for shore. One side of his tube was suddenly getting squishy. Turned out to be a poorly seated valve. Got it fixed and aired back up and rejoined the chase.[/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]There was a light breeze most of the morning. First from one direction and then another. Never troublesome, and provided a nice little "fishing ripple". We felt comfortable kicking further south beyond the rock point at the Knolls, and found more fish on the sonar. [/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]I cast shallow and got snagged. As I was kicking toward the snag, to try to retrieve my tandem jig rig, a big ol' buglemouth slurped up the second jig and unsnagged the rig for me. Gave me some good exercise for a few moments too. I was so greatful I provide some free surgery (see pic) and sent him back to brag to all his carpy friends.[/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]I had worked back and forth from 4' to 8', trying to find catfish, walleyes...anything. Finally, I got in the 7-8' zone that seemed to hold the most fish. Saw quite a few on sonar, but most of them had their pectoral fins upraised with the middle ray extended. [/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]Not many bites, but a few more kitties munched the carp minnows I offered. I ended up keeping 3 nice fat 16" to 17" speckled channel kitties, and released 3 more from 22 to 25". With the water temps still under 60 degrees, it was surprising how hard those cats fought. A couple of the bigger ones made my drag sing a few times.[/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]WW hung in there, studying for his catology exam, but not doing much "lab work". He missed a few "inquiries"...not being too familiar with the ways of the capricious catfish yet.[/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]On the way back in, kicking furiously against the flat calm glassy waters, I worked into shallower water and started smacking a bunch of small white bass. In one area I caught one every cast for several casts, including one double on my tandem jig rig. I think I was depressing WW. But, he was a trooper. He kept reminding me (through clenched teeth) "I am just here to observe today." [/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]He is a GREAT observer.[/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]Water temp was a balmy 60 degrees when we got out of the water just before 2 PM. And, it was really clearing up nicely. Pale green with visibility of almost 2 feet. Unheard of for Utah Lake.[/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]Oh yeah, one other note. The Knolls is known for always having a lot of trash...left by a group of folks who NEVER clean up after their weekend and evening "campouts". But today took the cake. When we pulled up to our spot at daybreak, there was a multicolored blanket, a sleeping bag and a pair of boots laying on the ground. Still there when we came back in. Wondering if someone was snoozing and got munched by the Utah Lake giant blue flathead catfish monster.[/#4040ff]
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=47186"][#212126]CALM LAUNCH.jpg[/#212126][/url] (196 KB)
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=47187"][#212126]FIRST & BIGGEST.jpg[/#212126][/url] (183 KB)
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=47188"][#212126]WW ON DA WATER.jpg[/#212126][/url] (284 KB)
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=47189"][#212126]IBIS V OVER WW.jpg[/#212126][/url] (288 KB)
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=47190"][#212126]DALMATION KITTY.jpg[/#212126][/url] (262 KB)
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=47191"][#212126]RESPECKABLE.jpg[/#212126][/url] (175 KB)
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=47192"][#212126]YO DUDE.jpg[/#212126][/url] (129 KB)
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=47193"][#212126]IN YO FACE.jpg[/#212126][/url] (234 KB)
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=47194"][#212126]ONE DOWN....jpg[/#212126][/url] (185 KB)
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=47195"][#212126]NOON MONSOON.jpg[/#212126][/url] (167 KB)
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=47196"][#212126]CALM BEACHING.jpg[/#212126][/url] (248 KB)
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=47197"][#212126]THE KNOLLS HILTON.jpg[/#212126][/url] (466 KB)
We launched to nice calm conditions, no bugs yet and 54 degree water about 7 AM. Started tossing plastics and cranks while dragging a minnow. Only a couple of small whacks (whities) for about the first hour. Then a whole bunch happened all in a hurry. [/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]First, WW hooked into a monster and battled it to his tube. Since it was that awful gold color, with big scales and no teeth, he elected to provide a hasty gillectomy and released it unharmed.[/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]Then my bait rod jiggled and the line popped out of the catch...and went zinging out through the guides. BENDO. First kitty of the morning. Measured out about 25 inches and was sent swimming (without surgery). As I was getting the kitty to

[#4040ff]There was a light breeze most of the morning. First from one direction and then another. Never troublesome, and provided a nice little "fishing ripple". We felt comfortable kicking further south beyond the rock point at the Knolls, and found more fish on the sonar. [/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]I cast shallow and got snagged. As I was kicking toward the snag, to try to retrieve my tandem jig rig, a big ol' buglemouth slurped up the second jig and unsnagged the rig for me. Gave me some good exercise for a few moments too. I was so greatful I provide some free surgery (see pic) and sent him back to brag to all his carpy friends.[/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]I had worked back and forth from 4' to 8', trying to find catfish, walleyes...anything. Finally, I got in the 7-8' zone that seemed to hold the most fish. Saw quite a few on sonar, but most of them had their pectoral fins upraised with the middle ray extended. [/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]Not many bites, but a few more kitties munched the carp minnows I offered. I ended up keeping 3 nice fat 16" to 17" speckled channel kitties, and released 3 more from 22 to 25". With the water temps still under 60 degrees, it was surprising how hard those cats fought. A couple of the bigger ones made my drag sing a few times.[/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]WW hung in there, studying for his catology exam, but not doing much "lab work". He missed a few "inquiries"...not being too familiar with the ways of the capricious catfish yet.[/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]On the way back in, kicking furiously against the flat calm glassy waters, I worked into shallower water and started smacking a bunch of small white bass. In one area I caught one every cast for several casts, including one double on my tandem jig rig. I think I was depressing WW. But, he was a trooper. He kept reminding me (through clenched teeth) "I am just here to observe today." [/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]He is a GREAT observer.[/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]Water temp was a balmy 60 degrees when we got out of the water just before 2 PM. And, it was really clearing up nicely. Pale green with visibility of almost 2 feet. Unheard of for Utah Lake.[/#4040ff]
[#4040ff]Oh yeah, one other note. The Knolls is known for always having a lot of trash...left by a group of folks who NEVER clean up after their weekend and evening "campouts". But today took the cake. When we pulled up to our spot at daybreak, there was a multicolored blanket, a sleeping bag and a pair of boots laying on the ground. Still there when we came back in. Wondering if someone was snoozing and got munched by the Utah Lake giant blue flathead catfish monster.[/#4040ff]
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