04-24-2009, 09:00 AM
I&#39;ve been overdue for a day like today emoLaugh <br /><br />After finding a four leaf clover yesterday while watching a baseball game, I was hoping luck was gonna find me. I picked Alex (my bass player) up at Sportsmans around 6:30am. We headed to HBSP where we met Backlash...good to talk with ya emoThumbsup <br /><br />We got in the water around 7:15 and headed up river. We pulled into our first spot (main lake dock) and on the second cast I nailed a 12&quot; crappie...good start emoBig
We fished that dock for a little over an hour throwing panfish assassins dipped in yeller. Ended up with 38 crappie (7 keepers), 1 bluegill, and 1 lamprey. Nasty little thing that was sucking on the 14.5&quot; TARP crappie I pulled in. First TARP fish for me emoDance <br /><br />Headed back towards Harrison Bay and fished another dock. Pulled in 20 more crappie but all shorties. Seems each dock we hit, someone had already been there and took all the keepers, but left all the 9 and 3/4 inch fish... emoDoh <br /><br />Went into Wolftever for about an hour and fished a couple docks towards the back. Found 20 more crappie with 3 being keepers. After that, we had to head in since I had to be at work. Fished for about 4 hours with 78 crappie and 1 bluegill...11 keepers. Fished tube jigs on 1/32 heads all morning. The lucky count for the day was 6. Had an absolute BLAST out there. I didn&#39;t fall in, my boat ran great, I didn&#39;t put any holes in it, I remembered the plug, everything went as planned. emoLaugh <br /><br />I&#39;ll have pics up later tonight when I get off work....