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Cumberland VS ODC420 Lightweight.
I'm trying to deside on which one of these tubes to get.

[url ""][/url]

ODC420 lightweight
[url ""][/url]

Can't deside what to get. I weigh 285 LBS so I'm kind of worried about the ODC 420 lightweight only being rated for 300 LBS. The Cumberland is rated for 350 LBS.

Whats the diffrence between the ODC420 lightweight vs the regular ODC420 be sides weight, and price???

I've read some great things about the regular ODC420, but nothing on the lightweight. Also I can't seem to find anything on the Cumberland.

I'm kind of leaning towards the Cumberland.

Any help would be great.
Ended up getting the Cumberland. Took it home, and set it up in the living room. Can't wait to get it out in the water, and see how it works. I just filled it with a air mattress pump, but it seemed like it needed more. I'll probably have to get a hand pump.

Hope I'm not going to be disappointed.
Sorry I did not see this question sooner. Probably too late, but for the sake of knowing, I think the major difference between the lightweight and regular ODC 420 is that the bottom and end caps of the regular are made of a heavy PVC, where the lightweight is nylon all around. The nylon is lighter, the PVC is more resistant to damage.

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