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white bass in Deer creek
My brother and his family hit up deer creek today. They managed a few of the standard rainbows and a white bass. I know, crazy. It wasn't a big one, and he didn't get a pic, but still it was a white bass for sure. Looks like someone is trying to recreate another version of the Utah Lake white bass paradise.

[Image: scaredworried.gif]
If you're right then I don't know if that lake will have good or bad fishing in the future but i'm sure the fishery will change dramatically. It's really hard to believe without a picture though.
He needs to take the photo to the DWR. White Bass in Deer Creek would be a DISASTER of the first magnitude. Will people never learn !!!!
a DISASTER of the first magnitude, that's what I call Deer Creek with or without white bass....
Why didnt he kill it?
Did you see it? There are crappie in there. They are small in numbers but they can be mistaken for White Bass.
wow wow Crapppers and Whities in DC [crazy]. To me it souds good but i'm not an expert. A while ago somone mention catfish there as well.
Helluva wreck for that fishery. Water's too cold for whites to do well but they'll sure play hell with natural recruitment of perch & walleye. Damn the IDIOT(s).
There have been white bass in Deer Creek before 1986. They have been in there a while. I personally don't think they have done any damage though. Too cold. They get caught there from time to time. Good food for the walleyes [cool]
[quote lov2fish]wow wow Crapppers and Whities in DC [crazy]. To me it souds good but i'm not an expert. A while ago somone mention catfish there as well.[/quote]

Uhhh I remember catching crappie when I was 8 years old in DC... that was well over 30 years ago. They certainly havent destroyed the lake in that amount of time.

fished deer creek for years havent seen any white bass but the crappies are in there. We need to stop these people who think they are smarter than nature[notice I didnt say fish and game ] White bass are a schooling fish and need alot of forage they wont do well in d c . hope they aint in there
[quote zman1] We need to stop these people who think they are smarter than nature[notice I didnt say fish and game ] [/quote]

lol fish have been teansported from water system to water system for thousends of year's long befor man BY NATURE.. why is it that now in the last 50 years is it the only way fish move from system to system it's got to be man doing it?? [crazy]
You mean a river flows from Deer Creek to Utah Lake? [Wink]
Wow, I gotta hand it to white bass; it sure takes a crazy amount of strength to jump six diversion dams in a twenty mile stretch of cold water and then swim through the turbines at Deer Creek Dam against the current without being chopped to bits and then emerge 80 ft deep lake side and swim to the shallows with no oxygen. Then again, maybe their smart enough to wait for the lake to get full so they can swim 100 ft up the spillway against current.[sly] Sorry, but I think the jury will give a bucket biologist verdict on this one. I have caught white bass in the Provo as far east as the Columbia Lane diversion dam and I guarantee that is as far as they can get unless most of Orem and Provo gets flooded.
you realy think so?

did you know fish can fly?

case in point.. there was a pond 5 to 7 miles away from paliSades res that had pond carp... koi if you will.. some of the seaguls in the area desided the koi in that pond was not enough for them.. they started picking up the koi and flying 5 to 7 miles and droping them in palaSades and nine mile.. this was witnesed by several DNR and DWR workers... so it is a fact that with some help the fish can move from water system to water system with out man's help... now how long do you think a white bass can live out of water and how fast can a seagul fly for the farthest place up river white bass can swim up the river?

all i'm saying is dont be so quick to point a finger.. [crazy]
[fishin]Well if they are there then it would be interesting still to find out more info.[pirate]
Funny you mention that Ron, as a co-worker was telling me a similar story. She lives miles from the nearest water and a while back she was out feeding her horses and heard a loud thump on her metal horse shed. She thought it was kids throwing rocks and went over to take a look, she found no kids but did find a 3lb carp laying by the shed still flopping. I don't know if birds move fish around on propose or if they just drop their catch but it does happen.
well the seaguls in qustion at palaSades and nine mile seemed to have a propose.. they were droping 20 to 30 fish a day in the lakes over a 2 week time frame.. [crazy]..
I have head of birds doing this. Pesky seagulls[cool]
Hey anything is possible but I doubt a seagul is smart enough to do something like that with out a higher power having a hand in it[shocked].

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