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Just a quick question: Can I wear my regular hiking boots with the set of breathable chest waders I recently purchased? or do I have to purchase a separate pair of specialized wading boots? I realize the sizing might be an issue since the waders have a thick neoprene booty but ignore this issue for now.

Here is a link to the hiking boots I currently own if it helps:

much thanks
i use a pair of over sized sneakers with mine, the wader boots will have better traction but you will spend alot more.
Ok thanks. I guess my biggest concern here is that I do a lot of hiking when I fish and if I were to wade in then get out and hike a mile I don't want to be hiking with my boots weighing 5 pounds each from the water.

Another quick question: when you are buying wading boots are the sizes they come in adjusted for the thickness of the neoprene booty? like if I have a size 12 foot do I buy a size 12 wading boot or do I buy a size 14?
hey guy..if you were hiking boots they will weight 5 pounds when your done wadding..thats why wadding shoes were designed..they dont soak up all the watter..a lite weight tennis shoe works for the same reoson.
Not 100% sure about this but would a pair of those rubber swimming/water shoes work? They have killer traction and dont weigh shhhh. I used to wear them to get my boat in the water bet the hell out of sandals or regular shoes.
ive got a couple pair myself love em..they would would work well..i dont know if id go hicking in them though..something to think about..
See bu thats the thing they are so light weight you can actually just toss them in your hiking pack and it wouldn't make a difference.
yae you have a good point,,breathable waders are light weight could put both in the pack and not have to sweat to death hicking in..sounds like a plan..
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]No way would I wear a pair of regular boots over my stocking foot waders. Wading boots are designed to let water in and out of them. Also the bottoms are made of material that will give you better traction on slippery rocks and other surfaces. When purchasing a pair of wading boots one needs to get a size large enough to accommodate the bulkiness of the waders stocking foot material. I wear a 10½ pair of shoes while my wading boots are a size 11. BTW a good pair of Hodgmans can be purchased for around $60.[/size][/#008000][/font]
have you tried the ones with the diferrent sole inserts...ive had some people tell me they dont stay in vary well..
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]I have only owned those with felt soles. However, it seems that most companies will be phasing them out in lou of a new rubber material as felt has a tendency to retain little creatures like the New Zeland mud snail since they are hard to clean.[/size][/#008000][/font]
yea ive heard that story..they now make one that has a slot in them to slide in different soles..felts .felts with studs or just studs...felts ice up in the winter had to quit using them..
I have tried thos little simming shoes before they work ok but seem to get pebbles into them easy. I dont ever fish heavy current so i dont know how they would do in that.

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