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Jmax, Chick, Legend's dogfight, spook bite., Bass, 07/04/09, Mr. Wiskers,
Had a plan and stuck to it today. I decided I wanted to try out the spook bite in the grass first thing this morning before the sun got up. I hoped that a bigger bass might want to hit a morning breakfast easy on top. Wink I joked with Wiskers about, "Here's the net, do you remember how to use it?" He said he was sure he would remember when I got a fish on and laughed. second cast with the spook found its mark and one exploded on it. :o First one, 2 and a halfer, net 1. Went down the grass a few feet and Wiskers rares back on a worm, a good one about three comes flying out of the water, crashes into the side of the boat and comes off. emoDoh A little further down the grass and another just destroys the spook!!! I thought it was a decent one but when it jumped it looked to be a four pounder. Got it in and Wiskers nets that one also, was 3.58 lbs. Net 2. I make a couple more casts and boom! another 2 and a halfer. Net 3. emoBigSmile Wiskers say, "What time is it?" I looked and it was 25 minutes after 6. Took us twenty five minutes and 8.34 in the boat, all on a spook. Try as we might, I hit two more on the spook there, then we hit the wolf, the river, the bay, and several other areas with a total of 18 bass in the boat with over half of those keepers but we never caught any better then those first three. emoRolleyes We thought we might get a little check but there was some good bass weighed in today. We came in 8th, with only five places paid. emoBawl <br /><br />We had a good time and really felt we did respectable. Todays bait was of course the spook early, the t-rigged worm and then the rest of the morning was the drop shot. Water temp was 80 to 87 where we went. Caught them in 2 foot to 25 foot. We left fish bitting that would keep but they were all around 2 lbs. Just keepers.<br /><br />Enjoyed it everyone, we shall see you out there. emoDance Jmax

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