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fish crack
OK so in the last 2 days I have tried "bait and wait" fishing for the first time in about 20 years (I have been fishing spinners for trout and trying to learn flies). I have been fishing Wax worms and to hell if they aren't fish crack!!! (I used to fish bait with my uncle when i was younger .. we used garden worm and night crawlers and they never hit like this) As best I can tell if there are fish in the water they will hit wax worms. It's been nothing huge but i have only been fishing them one at a time on small hooks so I was not thinking big, (if you fish bigger hook up 2 or 3 worms) that said I landed ... pickerel, a small bass, perch, sunfish (crappie bluegill and pumpkin seed) and trout.

If you like bait and wait or have been asking "what bait" wax worms are the way to go, and great for kids too. They are soft and plump but not slimy, white and very visible, the body holds tight on a hook and will "ooze and oily worm juice when fresh hooked oh yeah and they can't bite[Smile]. They are tough little buggers, I left them in my tackle box in the trunk of my car for three days and the last one was still alive tonight They are also easy to get. Your neighbor hood pet store (pet smart and the such) sells them in 50ct tubs for about 4 or 5 dollars, that's why I had and used them (lizard food). When you buy them they will be in the fridge and may look dead, when they warm up they wiggle. Buy some, fish some, let the people hear how it went.

Get some wax worms, bait a line and start reeling in the fish!!!!
ive been saying this in posts for a while..100% agree..there the most versatile live bait out there..glad somebody accually tried them..they work good for ice fishing to..
we go together and buy a gross af them[1000]if you dont know..thats all we use for bluegills year around..thell keep in a cool dark place for up to 3 months..just dont let em get out of the container..wives freak when they see them crawling across the me i know..
Wax worms? I had the rubber kind. That are like pink, black with some blue sparkles but not wax. Where can I get wax worms? I live in new jersey.
no no they are not made of wax, they are bee moth larva and in that stage they call them wax worms. Like I said they see them in pet stors as lizard food.

there accctually the larva of some weird looking fly..looks like a deer fly..i keep them to long 1 time and they hatched out in the container..
my bad, I thought it was the bee moth. I wonder then which "worm" is the bee moth larva?
i just know i had a container with ones that hatched out..they kinda looked like a fly moth mix..ive never seen a bee moth..i do know you can order them over the internet by the gross..dont have the connection right now
they very well could be the bee moth larvae..i just misread your post and thought you said bee larvae..they are strange looking things..from then on i made sure i kept them cool..suposed to keep them in the dormant stage..
Oh Lol. My bad. I should go in he pet shop and pick some out. Just so you guys know Mixing worms and garlic into a container is great. My brother went out fishing and he came home with the max catch of the day. The biggest one he caught was a 17 inch
[quotejust dont let em get out of the container..wives freak when they see them crawling across the me i know..[/quote]

I read that and pictured my wife freaking out and almost pissed my pants I was laughing so hard.
i put the container on top of the entertainment center and it some how got knocked down..and a few got out and started crawling across the living room not allowed to bring any kind of bait in the house and learn..
Well When my Girl friend was over my house I offered her to go fishing. We picked up some of the wax worms and we went fishing. In the car she droped the container and I dont know how many got out but i cant wait for her to yell when they hatch.
i think youll probbly find them before then..whose car were they droped in yours or hers..they sell em at all the local bait shops around here..seems weird youd have to go to a pet store to get emm..peice of advice..when i get em i transfer them to a chewwing tabacco container just poke a few small holes in the lid for air..these things are virtually spill proff.
they may very well sell them at hte bait shop but like I said I use them for lizard food as well as bait so I get mine at he pet store one stop shopping [Smile]
That's a new one, never heard of that before. I'm starting back fishing again too, and I'll definitely try this!
they work good under a bober for panfish and trout too..
Oh really! That is pretty interesting. Thanks for that information! Smile
Try drifting them down a river for trout on light line and a small split shot. You can put a hurt on some trout with them. They also catch robins on the sidewalk and.... i better stop there.
if you stop there youll miss out on the steelhead..we float em under bobbers on a small jig for steelhead in the winter..yea thell catch just about anything i think they all get the point...we do catch alot of steelhead on them though..

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