07-14-2009, 09:00 AM
my 3 year old asks me every day to take him fishing so me and his mom took him for a trip this afternoon we went to the bb comer boat ramp first he got a few small bream then he got one good one but after a good fight it got off then we had no luck so we moved down to a spot called caldwell springs i had to help him cast cause of the moss then he was realing it up and his float whent down i told him yank it but had to help his 5.5foot 7doller pole riged with a zebco 202 with 10 pound stren bent to the breaking point his eyes got realy big and he yeld i got one then he said help me dad i told him lay in their with him son you got him then i saw the water boil and said to his mom he has a good one he faught it with all his might and ask once more help me daddy and the fish had got over in the moss so i had to help some as it turned out he got his first keeper large mouth bass it tiped the scales at 4.5 1/4 pounds it is a real nice fish she is skinny she should go 6lb we have some photes but will have to go to my aunts house to put them on heer he done very good for a 3 year old he also said he wants to go get one tomorrow it was caught on a keystone minnow in 5 foot of water from the bank this is one trip i will never forget emoToast emoFish emoDance emoAngler emoSmile