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Tournament at Jordanelle
I got to the Nell at 5:00 to get signed up for the tournament this morning...

Nice light breeze and cool air water about 69 but ready to warm up....

With only 8 or 9 boats fishing the tournament, and the boaters fishing against boats and non to non...

The top 4 boaters seemed to have no trouble in finding bass (12") but others could not find the 12" fish...

My non boater got first place in that group with just over 13#, and I got 3 place with just over 14#....

It was a fun day....

.[inline Jordanelle.jpg]
Hey Hey! nice report! thats one purty looking fish you got there!
What tournament were you fishing in? How many anglers? The Federation tournament is tomorrow at Jordanelle, are you fishing in that?
Thanks that was not my bigger bass, but it was the only one that we took time to take....[crazy]

I thought I would get some thing bigger but I guess it was my time to have a bad day...
The Federation tournament was today...
I thought the tourney was on Wednesday, a simple mistake.
Was it????

It seems that the only post you seem to make is to try to put others down ...

Just post about fishing or give others there do respect for what they do and others will do the same... I like to fish and at times help, try it you may like it...

Drop in at Fish Teach and have a cup of coffee on me and see how other are doing some time...If I am not fishing I am there in the morning Just for the coffee and to bull, I like my fishing and could care what others think or do....

Life is short so go fishing and it will sort life out...And in a 100 years who will care????
Whatever dude, it's your story. Do me a favor and tell your buddy to act like he's happy that he caught a nice bass.
Bassrods, you must know my buddy Dan over there?
Tell him Doug said hi
Oh yes I know him ...
What are you the Smile police now???? Or still trying to starr the pot, or just trying to act like the school bully???

I see nathan wrong with the picture, but I guess I will try to get your okay from now on to post any pictures...
I would love to fish in a tourney!! How do you find a list of B. A. S. S. approved tourneys in close by states.
It's all up to how big of a tournament you want to get in...
Small ones like this past one was just a federation one and they have web sites, I will try to find them and post them for you...

FLW and BASSMASTER each have their own web as well...

And then there is the ABA and I think WON bass...
Don't get so upset, it was just a simple comment on his demeanor and I complemented his nice bass. You're looking in to this way too deep. I'm beginning to understand why he looked so unhappy.
I don't think any of these pictures were from the actual tournament ... this guy wasn't on his boat.
He attacked me for saying that his buddy looked unhappy. I can't imagine the story that's headed your way.
For Slayer, There is also the Anglers Choice tourneys, that i fish. They are on powell, a little bigger than the federation and some tough compition. Lots of fun,Check it out at Anglers
You are half right the picture of Jerry was from the day before the tournament....I got my bass that is in the picture of me at the same place as he did the day before but mine is the day of...

But he and Lucky who Jerry was fishing with was watching as I got it...
Look at my picture, you should know the spot....
And if you read all the posts you will see where I said I only got one picture on tournament day.....

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