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Friday Fishn
i am thinking of hitting starvation this friday morning. i was wondering if there are any floaters out there that would like to join me. i have a ford ranger so i can drive if and carry tubes and equipment as long as we split gas. i live in clearfield can pick up if in the slc area. PM me if you are interested.
I might be floating on a drift boat Friday not sure where I am launching though. I would be willing to meet up!! I am already up in the area so I wont be car pooling. Let me know.[fishon]
i dont know that res at all so any pointers on where to launch would be helpful.
also do you pay a fee at starvation?
[cool][#0000ff]I sent you some stuff on Starvation...Rabbit Gulch. But, I did not clarify that just about all access areas are Utah State Park and require a day use fee. There is a pay box at Rabbit Gulch and the rangers do check several times a day to make sure everybody displays a permit.[/#0000ff]
TD sent you info about rabbit gulch but I am going to be fishing Knights hollow and am willing to help you out if you decide to go there. PM me if you want to meet up at all.
well first is it a fee area? im all about launching for free and where is knights hollow?
It is a State park. Pretty much anywhere you can get access on the lake.[Sad] I do have a state park pass. I would get one if I were you, they pay for themselves if you fish often enough. 75 bucks - $70 if you get the coupon in the fishing guide book. I would bet after I got mine in March till now I have used it at least 75 times even if it was just for a couple hours. Plus the $2 off weekday camping that I have taken advantage of. I am paying less than 1 dollar each time I use any state park for the day for the rest of the year. They are loosing money on me. HAHA If I payed the daily fee each time I went to Starvation this year I would not have enough money to even buy worms, let alone gas. Anyways hope that the park fee doesnt detour you from going, I might be able to pick you up but I probably wont be on the same schedule as you. I fish most of the time from about 10 am till around 3 or 4 pm. I have those hours between shifts that I fill almost daily with some sort of fishing. This year it has mostly been at Starvation. Till hunting season.
i would do that but we just got back from vacation so money is a little tight.

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