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GEEZER needs your help!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4][/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]We are running out of time and we need your help. The event to take some of our wounded warriors fishing is only about a week away and we are trying to put the finishing touches on the plans to bring it all together on the 8th of August. Here’s the problem; our FOOD DONATIONS leader doesn’t have a real good handle on just exactly what we have in the way of donations. If you, or any of your friends, have secured any food or drink donations, would you PLEASE – PLEASE – PLEASE send a PM to this link: [/size][/#800000][/font][url ";user=6764"][font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4]GEEZER[/size][/#000000][/font][/url][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]. Thank you for any help you can give in this matter.[/size][/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
I think its time to put every thing out on the table instead of having commitments scattered in 5 threads, pm's, emails and behind the scene conversations.

Correct me if I am wrong. Commitments have been made by:

Stickfigurefrank - 12 bags of Chips

PACKFAN - Condiments & pickles

PACKFAN - hamburger & hotdog buns

PACKFAN- If we need any glasses,
more burgers, dogs, buns,
cheese, pickles or other condiments let me know and I will hit the
Base Commisary before I head up to the

RAK & MGB - Potato & Macaroni salad

RAK & MGB - Paper plates and utensils

Bassrods - catsup, mustard and miracle whip,ice, 10 cases of water, cookies,
burgers and hotdogs.

Gary - smooties

Troll - 48 hamberger patties and 48 buns

WET1- I'll wait to see what else is needed

Ocean - Pork and Bean, tomatoes, lettuce and oinions

SewFish - Hamberger patties and hot dogs

Geezer - Hamberger patties

K2Muskie - We'll pick up:
-paper plates
-plastic silverware (forks)
-sheet cake
2 Pkgs 130 ct Hefty Soak Prook 8.875" Paper Plates
4 Pkgs 48 ct small paper plates for cake
2 Pkgs 200 ct Napkins
4 Pkgs 50 ct Forks
1 Pkg 50 ct spoons
4 roasting pans to keep pre-cooked burgers/dogs warm

Have picked up:
1 box Aluminum Foil
2 12 pks Sprite
2 12 pks Coke
2 12 pks Diet Coke
2 12 pks Mt Dew
2 12 pks Dr. Pepper
2 12 pks Pepsi

DeepCycle - 20 hot dogs and 200 plastic flatware will get buns for the dogs and grab a case of soda.

Gary emailed RAK saying there are just enough helpers on the cooking team.

Still needed: Paper plates, Soda pop, utensils, glasses,
more burgers, dogs, buns,
cheese, pickles or other condiments
I can bring pork and beans ,tomatoes and onions .
I forgot to ask how many burgers so i can figure out how maby onions and tomatos to bring.
In one of the threads or Emails I read, there will be 80 burgers and 80 dogs.
Ok i will start stocking up at the end of the week .
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]Thank you, Mike, for pulling all that together for GEEZER.[/size][/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
I second dubob - big time! I'm not computer literate enough to pull that off. Looks to me like we're set.

With the burger patties & weiners Sewfish is bringing we oughta have plenty 'cause I'm gonna bring a big package of patties too. I'll go after muffins & donuts & I'm betting I'll be able to round up a bunch of them for breakfast. Wonder if anyone could round up a couple big coffeemakers that we could get someone that'll be camping Fri. nite to get started early for coffee when we get there?
Geezer has me down for 48 Hamburgers from Costco. Should I be getting them from the place Cliff said? Where was that?
I'll also provide buns for the hamburgers I am supplying, if they are needed. Please let me know so I only make 1 trip to Costco.

I'll be in Wyoming for Tuesday, Wednesday and probably Thursday morning. I Have your number in my Phone Geezer, I'll call as soon as I get back to find out how to get the frozen burgers to you or sombody for transport to SC.
Hey Troll, I'm not sure where this place is but I'm sure it must be in the SLC area. Here is what Cliff had to say about where to buy the meat.[#4040ff] "High Grade meats said they will give us burgers and hotdogs at cost."
[/#4040ff][#000000]In my opinion you should check and see where you can get the best price because even though this company says they will give a discount, Costco might still be cheaper, just a thought.[/#000000]
[indent]hey guys i dont have much but ill do what i can please pm me for any outher iteams you may need i am willing to donatate $100.0 dollars towards this event so please let me know what i can do? i just talked with my wife and she said we are able to cook, clean fish and help any where needed. Just let us know as soon as you can so we can get things in order to come up.
I still haven't been able to get ahold of my POC at the base commissary about donations. She was on vacation then I was on vacation. Last time I checked they had 'no' vendor donations. I'll letcha know what I find out.

We'll pick up:

-paper plates
-plastic silverware (forks)
-10 12 pks of soda (2 Diet Coke, 2 Coke, 2 Mt Dew, 2 Sprite, 1 Dr Pepper, 1 7-Up)
-sheet cake

Let me know if you need anything else. [Smile] [Smile]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]GEEZER - You gettin' all this?[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4][/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]Just funnin' ya Tom. [Wink] [/size][/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
I have 20 hot dogs and 200 plastic flatware will get buns for the dogs and grab a case of soda. Do i just bring it with me or do I need do drop it off somewhere?
Just hit the commissary...POC still isn't in to make contact with.

Ordered 1 Full Size Sheet Cake pickup Friday after 2PM. I only hope it fits in my freezer or fridge...[:/]

Picked up the following:

2 Pkgs 130 ct Hefty Soak Prook 8.875" Paper Plates
4 Pkgs 48 ct small paper plates for cake
2 Pkgs 200 ct Napkins
4 Pkgs 50 ct Forks
1 Pkg 50 ct spoons
4 roasting pans to keep pre-cooked burgers/dogs warm
1 box Aluminum Foil
2 12 pks Sprite
2 12 pks Coke
2 12 pks Diet Coke
2 12 pks Mt Dew
2 12 pks Dr. Pepper
2 12 pks Pepsi

I'll bring a big cooler if someone can provide the ice...I believe its a 64 Qt cooler. Also will bring 2 large BBQ spatulas

OBTW we're looking at showing up at approx 8 AM plus or minus a half hour. I've never been to Strawberry (just driven by) so can someone please be kinda enough provide directions?? Thanks in advance

If you need anything else let me know...[Smile] [Smile]

Kim give me a call at work tomorrow if you would I'm there at 0530, thanks.
At this point there is not enough time to mail any money and since Cliff is handling how the funds are spent, please PM him and I'm sure he can help you, thanks. We are not keeping any fish for a fish fry so most will be catch and release, as far as I know. I haven't heard of any list for helpers other than the one Gary(Trout31) has but there could be one that I don't know about. I'll send you a PM with Gary's Email address and you can ask him if he needs any more help.
Will do!! [Smile] [Smile]
Bring them with you.

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