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BBass, CFF #7, Tournament Report, 8-16-09, Jason
<br /> Definitely not allot to tell in this report. <br /> Jason and I shot down river as quick as we could knowing we could get a crank bite right before dark. We were right and had the first on only 2 keepers in the boat within 20 minutes. Several smaller fish and i hooked one that would have been a good solid addition to the catch, but unbuttoned at the boat. <br /> Cranked a flat, 10-13 foot deep, with DT16s. <br /> After dark, we ran through a couple of marinas only to manage to hook a couple only for them to come unbuttoned also. I'm really sick of that at this point..LOL., <br /> Never managed another fish after dark and ended up weighing in just 2. I need a lesson on night fishing this lake! <br /><br /> Had a great time regardless.

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