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[#008000]Look at what I found:[/#008000]
[#008000] [/#008000]
[#008000]"Tiger Muskie have been released in many lakes and rivers in Southern, Central and Eastern Ontario. The Tiger Muskie were thought to be sterile but as the guy said in the Jurassic Park movie, nature will find a way. Tiger Muskie are breeding in the Kawartha Lakes and have basically eaten the lakes clean. 15 years ago, you were lucky to catch 5 in a whole year and now we are catching 10 in a weekend. "[/#008000]
[#008000]Came from:[/#008000]
[url ""][/url]
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Interesting site. The photo of the injury looks like a lawn mower accident to me. Now I know Barracuda will jump out of the water and attack people, seen this on tv. They will jump out and start chomping but never heard of a muskie doing this.
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Can't remember where I read, but a scientist actually confirmed that among the tiger muskies there have been incidents of natural breeding. Actually tiger muskie with tiger musky.They said it is very rare, but some do possess the ability to breed. Who knows....just thought i'd get some good reactions [laugh]
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WoW!!! That is a tank! Does make you a bit nervous swimming with those monsters!
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[#505000]Actually I saw a show on I believe Animal Planet (maybe Discovery, I forget which) where they were investigating attacks from Northern Pikes on people. [/#505000]
[#505000]Kind of interesting, but basically there are documented cases of pike attacking people. As near as the study could determine the victims were "thrashing" about in the water. More than likely it looks like the pike decided to chomp what it thought was a distressed fish. [/#505000]
[#505000]All any of the victims got was a nasty bite on the leg, but nothing like that lawnmower injury in the link.[/#505000]
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Actually, I think this guy is onto something that made that site. Last time I fished pineview, I had multiple jet skis crossing my wake. My boat was constantly rocking heavily from the ski boats buzzing me.. it was annoying.
So, I am thinking, maybe we can help this guys cause by making some signs and putting them in the marinas. The signs could show the lawn mower/propellar mangled hand and say something like:
"The dangerous fish in this lake can bite your arm off, this guy got lucky and only lost a finger. Willard bay doesn't have these deadly fish in it, and you are only 30 minutes away!"
Then, we could hand out waivers for them to sign saying they wont sue if they get bit.
Sounds like a win win to me! The fishermen aren't as crowded now. AND the power squadron are now "Safer"[cool]
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Boy that's a nice fish! When was this one caught?
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[quote waljustia]
"The dangerous fish in this lake can bite your arm off, this guy got lucky and only lost a finger. Willard bay doesn't have these deadly fish in it, and you are only 30 minutes away!"
I beg to differ. I have seen the 35mm photos of the tigers in willard. They are getting in there slowly but surely. We need these signs at Willard too. Send them to UL or Echo.[sly]
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hey now!! we dont need anymore rude people at willard either lol Just start taking pictures of them and turning them in.
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I recently watched a show on Discovery or animal planet about monster fish, and there was a case in europe where a "rougue" muskie was attacking swimmers. Apparently they were swimming on top of its nest and it would nibble on them to get them to go away. If we glorify that and make it sound as if that one muskie was actually a thousand tiger muskies that only wanted to tear people apart, and they all lived in the tiger waters of utah, we might never have to deal with another water skier again! [cool]
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[quote waljustia]Boy that's a nice fish! When was this one caught?[/quote]
End of July and a couple weeks ago got longer one, 47" girth 19.5.
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I've heard a story from multiple sources (and I do work at Logan Regional) of a water skier being bitten at Newton. Apparently she had a toe ring and the flash caught the musky's eye. That is one lake that really, really needs to be made wakeless.