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TSpinner, River Park, Cat, 8/25/09, AuburnWes
Took the Yacht out today to try a little cat fishing. Wes says he caught a 5lb cat last night by the ramp in Lupton City but I didn't see any proof emoTongue .. He shut me up today tho and caught this one close to the shore. emoEnforce Nothing bit at the shad we had for bait when drifting down the river so we stopped and anchored out for a second..of course the boat that floats by to us is pulling out a big ol' blue cat right in front of us emoDoh but the two guys were pretty cool. They told us we need to try using chicken livers and to swap our line set up different. I cant really argue that when they had landed one right in front of us! So we'll try that and see how much better our luck is..

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