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Recent trips out bound to Shore
[size 1]Ronald asked if I have recently had any trips out to the water so i feel I should reply. I usually am found fishing El dorado park in the evenings during the later part of the week and early mornings on the weekend. But this past weekend had the chance to get back to my old stomping grounds on Long Island, NY. The fishing there is spectacular. just about all the sport fishing species of fresh water can be found there but my favorite being bass is in great abundance. Fishing mostly plastic worms a few buddies and myself landed well over eighty fish on a mile and a half stretch of river. weighing in from seven ounces to twelve pounds three ounces. That was this past weekend.[/size]

[size 1]Last night on he suggestion of George Van Zant in his post Grunion I headed down to seal beach to try and catch the run at about 10:30pm. Was well worth it ended up with three short butts and unfortunately losing another fish substantially larger. By the way if you are interested in catching the run it will be going on for the next three days. Schedule is available at [url ""][/url] . [/size]

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Hi OneWhoFishes,

Sounds like you had a great time in Long Island. I would love to fish the stripers and bluefish up close and personal ala surf fishing. I'm doing a lot of research right now and I got a new respect for the varied species and fishing methods used by anglers along the eastern seaboard. I'd love to get those speckled or seatrout on a fly.

Thanks for the info east and west.


Sounds like a great time! Is it getting pretty humid bak East now, I'm orginally from Syracuse and like to get back when I can but don't miss the humidity.

How are you fishing the worms at El Dorado? Drop Shotting? Have you ever tried the swim baits there? I have one I have been wanting to test out.

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting

It's Aaron, Kyles friend from El Dorado (the one with the black beach cruiser). I was thinking about going but didn't know if the halibut would eat the grunion during the run. What setup did you use and do you think that I would do good if I had the only grunion in the water during the day? Im thinkin about takin some float tubin the next day in the same area. Also are the bass still hittin the topwater in the back lake???

I want info on fishing the grunion fishing for the halibut.



BIG and small kill em all!
Hey Aron,

I know exactly who you are. I usually have a blue back pack on and wear a black loomis hat. Hey that past night I was using AA plastic silver back with a white belly on a 1/4 ounce jig. Then switched over to a 1/2 ounce egg weight followed by a barrel swivle then an eighteen inch leader with a owner stinger treble size six and a snelled slidder lip hook. I will be out with my wife either at mothers beach or the flip flop shack. Try mother first I can show you first hand the rig.
Mike ,

Just a quick reply. a little to much moss growth and cover at this time to use swim baits well. But in the past I have used castaic. word of mouth is a modified generic trout lure works best. Have not seen it myself but the source is good maybe we will see a better version soon[Wink]. Worms are fished from free line , caroline or texas(try texas riging a four inch green tube). Drop shot is working already this year fish past the weed line and bring it right up against the weed line, I have been using diffrent plastics for this dont be afraid to experiment even with the pork.

Good luck maybe I will see you down there.

P.S. the moss frog is killin em right before closing time.

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