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just to add to some bad news i have been hearing. some lovely people have now put PERCh into mantua. if you know them you might want to thank them for ruining another Utah fishery.
[#ff0000]It's confirmed, pulled one out of the middle last week. [/#ff0000]
It's truly frustrating when the bucket brigade thinks that they know what is best for a fishery. Mantua was just starting to look really promising.[Sad] The perch will overrun the lake, the LMB will go crazy on them, but they are too prolific, and will probably ruin the camloops trout fishery. I can only hope and pray that the anglers of a certian ethnic background don't bring in the lousy useless chubs.
I can kind of understand a bucket planters mentality.( dont take that the wrong way, I hate it as much as everyone else) What I dont understand is, why Mantua? Pineview is only a few minutes away. Who needs two perch fisheries so close together? Pinveiw has so many perch, why risk screwing up mantua. I dont get why someone put walleye in jordenale either. Deer creek is 15 minutes away. Oh well, I'm going over there saturday, looks like I'll be bringing home some perch. I have heard the the perch love to eat bass eggs. Is this true?
Theekillerbee....what do you mean by fisherman of a "[size 1]certian ethnic background?" [/size]
For fear of sounding like a racist pig, I will refrain from mentioning any specifics. I'm not one to stereotype people, it's just that I, personally, have only seen one particular group of individuals that keep those little chubs. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that those who keep them, probably "planted" them elsewhere. It is also reasonable to believe that people of another ethnic background illegally planted the LMB and eyes at Jordanelle. I hope I have not offended anyone here, for that was not my intention.
The LMB were actually put in by DWR when the smallies were put in, with the same batch. I dont know if it was by accident or on purpose but a friend who is very active in the Federation told me about that when I brought up the post on finding LMB in jordanelle. I could try to find out more if you like!

GOOD FISHIN TO YA'ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was under the impression that chubs get into fisheries via boneheads that try and use them as live bait. I wouldn't see why anyone that actively sought chubs would waste their time illegally planting them. Also, I've seen plenty of white rednecks keeping chubs and whooping it up over catching big carp. I'm sure you wouldn't want to sound like a racist by naming any one group, but just about ANY ethnic group has the potential to harvest them. When I was living in Europe, the whitest and most arayan looking peoples held carp up as king. I met some people that would rather land a large sucker than a nice german brown. They were whiter than most Americans.
I guess the only people that really know how they got in there is God the person(s) that put it there or the birds that droped them. I know unlikley with the birds but hey
"Guest" -

My point wasn't to try to pin the blame on a group of people for the trash-fish problems, it was to let it be known that I think it is unfair to over-generalize and sterotype certain groups of people. Your comments reflect that I was either unclear or you totaly missed the point. I'm sorry for that.

If you would like to step out from the veil of anonymity to educate this poor, ignorant man, please feel free to do so. As for me, I'm just going to try and let this thread die. I'm sorry to anyone that I may have offended. I guess I have a chip on my shoulder when it comes to race issues. I won't bore you with the details.

I don't see why your arguing about chubs. I thought it was common knowledge that they are Utah chubs and therefore native to Utah. The illegal stocking is BS and I'd love to knock a few of there teeth out.
dont be hatein' !

wow i had no idea my thread would turn into arguments. how about we concentrate in improving the fisheris and the education of people on fisheries. everyone is a potential bucket biologists. so talking to knowledgable people will help in the long run. racism and other things all people are capable of anything. so this has nothing to do with perch being in mantua. it was simply some careless people doing something they shouldnt be. the question is how can we help to stop it? that is what the thread is for productive growth to combat this. cmon guys. second the chubs are native to utah and certain predators dont deal with them well. therefore overpopulation when you have non native utah predators in areas.

so to move this forward in a postive manner. anyone have ideas to improve the combat of bucket biologists? i would like to hear them.

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