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White Sharks in So. Cal.
Anyone been catching the news on White Sharks in Southern California?

There a little small to be considered Great Whites but will be after a surfer or two (LOL). But seriously, did any one catch any info about this? I heard the tail end of the news on it and didn't get the details?

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting

Hi theangler,

I'm with you, I don't need to hear about the tail end of the story but I sure want to the know about the head end of a shark story. He he he

living her in utah dont see much of them any more but i do remember the 16 1/2' taken off malibu by a cormmercil fisherman friend of mine said he could see the surfers off the beach do you guy still have the seal problem as bad as it was 17 years ago when i was in if so why would a shark go any where else ? got there own las vegas style buffet staring them in the face


hey i just remembered something they had a fiberglaas mold of this shark hanging in the cabrillo beach meseum not sure if they still do i am talking 18 yeary ago

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