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bent rod, Tims Ford, Bass/Crappie, 10/02, sauger
Took a little while to get started fishing. We met at one ramp, then decided to go to another. Launched the boat and as Mickey was coming to pick me up, I noticed the motor ain't peeing. Load the boat and run up to Gary's Marine. They were very nice to stop what they were doing and cleaned out the pee hole, just stopped up. Good. Back to the ramp and fishing. We started out bass fishing, fished for crappie a little while and then tried a little more bass. Everything was pretty slow. We caught 3 SM, 4 crappie and a tiny hybrid. Mickey caught the biggest crappie at 1lb.11oz. I had one just smaller we didn't weigh. 2 bass on a CB and 1 on a jig. The crappie came deep on PA's on a dock. No specific count. I lost a really big one and a keeper, letting them wrap around a post.emoBang Water was 73 and the good clear green color. It was a fun day, Thanks Mickey.

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