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New Sage bass flyrods and float tube
Noticed Peter was using one of the new Sage flyrods in one of the pics he posted on the stripping apron thread. Anybody else using these new short flyrods. Thoughts and opinions?

God Bless,
[quote smallmouth89]Noticed Peter was using one of the new Sage flyrods in one of the pics he posted on the stripping apron thread. Anybody else using these new short flyrods. Thoughts and opinions?

Ok, here it goes- If Im going to cast BIG bugs and flies
to bass then that is the only rod I want to have in my hand.
My rod is the smallmouth rod and I can cast some huge stuff with it.
I love that rod a lot.
Now it is NOT for any kinda delicate casting. That fly line
that comes with it will splash hard on the water. But thats
ok because Im trying to get a big bug up there anyways
and it will get the basses attention for sure.
When comes to casting short rod ( 7'11'') from a float
tube, well it does take a little practice. I fish out of
super fat cat so I sit up out of water. No problem.
I dont think that would try to make a 80'-90' cast with it.
60' yeah I can do that no problem. But then again, in the
float tube you can get close to fish so you dont have
to make monster cast every time.
All in all it is a great rod for BIG stuff.
I hope this helps you

I use 7'6" and 8' rods from my tube all the time. Length of the rod really shouldn't are mobile.
I am going to get the BLuegill version, but there are several other companies making them also with great reports. Even the Asian counter part of Sage, Redington, has one at a killer price.

I am going with the lighter one after trying the Bass one. Just tooo much a canon to me. I don't need a pool stick...LOL
After fishing the Berry Saturday tossing 4" flies in a 15 to 25 mile an hour breeze, the FAST rod makes allot of sense.
The length doesn't mater to me.

Still checking all the options before I buy one.
lol[Smile] canon it is for sure [Smile] lol.

[cool][#0000ff]Hey Joni, have you ever fished with a BORON rod? I have an 8 footer...5-6 weight...that weighs NOTHING but punches weight forward lines into the wind pretty good. Built it my own self a long time ago and can't remember the last time I had it strung. I'd be happy to let you take it out and play with it and then we can arm rassle over details.[/#0000ff]
I would love to try it. I do fish a Winston BIIx. I have a 6 and an 8 and the 8 feels like a 5 weight in weight. Love Boron.
[cool][#0000ff]This was one of the early Fenwick boron blanks, from the 1980s. I built it for fishing the So. Platte above Denver while I lived there for about 6 months. Loved the rod but just haven't had the need for it since.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I'll dig it out of my stash and we can meet up somewhere for a handoff.[/#0000ff]
If your still interested, and don't want to spend $400 on the Sage, you can get a Redington Predator for $200
Or you can get a Ross FlyStik for $160
I fished with a guy at Henry's that had the Ross in the 8w. He said he wish he'd bought the 6w instead. He was also using a Teeny line. I was thinking about getting the Redington or Ross too for stillwater. 6w and I'd like to buy the Sage Bluegill line too. $70?

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