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fishing in riggins
going up to riggins tomorrow has anybody been there in the past week? going to be there until tues. When I get back I'll be sure to post on how it was taking the drift so should be able to hit all the holes!!!! Also what are your guys and gals take on noodle fishing? I know they do a lot of it over in WA. and OR. don't see much of it here in Idaho thinking of getting one some input would be cool.!.!
explain noodle fishing? the only thing i can think of is noodling which is from down south were the catfish by sticking there hands in a whole hoping a fish will bite down on it. if thats what your talking about no thanks my thumbs are already raw from handling a chromer.
hey pretty sure hes talking about fishing with a noodle rod...they do it here too.accctually alot off fun fighting fish on backbone thell bend to the handle
that is what im talking about. noodle rod does any one thank its better cuz you use lighter tackle bla bla bla or is it just fun. don't want to dump 200 on something that I can live with out just cuz its fun its fun catching them on 8'6" rods to. But if you think the catch rate goes up then I need one. not sure want to buy another rod but not sure if that is it somebody talk me in to it or discourage me from it also is it to wimpie to catch salmon with.
THERES ALOT OF PROS AND CONS TO THIS ROD..if you learn how to use the noodle can dact alot farther...when you set the hook you must drop rod down and then whip it up..allowing action of rod to set hook..same idea when casting...we use them for steelhead mostly in the can use very lite line drifting bobbers and spawn...never used them for salmon..might not have enough really like em for slow drifting bobbers and spawn for steelhead..
just an add on to sum it up..great rod for drifting bobbers and some swear by it for fly fishing..if you do alot of slow drifting with bobbers or need to go lighter line..worth it..

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